[Solved] Upgrade 2.5.2 > 3.0.1 failing to start

Solution: Issue appeared to be only with 3.0.1-1 updating to 3.0.1-2 solved the below problems.

Have a 6 node cluster I’m attempting to bring up to 3.0.1

I’ve already upgraded my elasticsearch backing store to 6.7.1 without issue.

Upon attempting to start the first node after upgrade I get the following log output and then a restart:

2019-04-19T20:35:54.065Z INFO  [CmdLineTool] Loaded plugin: JIRA integration plugin 1.0.7 [com.bidorbuy.graylog.alarmcallbacks.jira.JiraAlarmCallback]
2019-04-19T20:35:54.067Z INFO  [CmdLineTool] Loaded plugin: ExeCommandAlarmCallBack 1.0.0 [ir.elenoon.ExeCommandAlarmCallBackPlugin]
2019-04-19T20:35:54.068Z INFO  [CmdLineTool] Loaded plugin: AWS plugins 3.0.1 [org.graylog.aws.AWSPlugin]
2019-04-19T20:35:54.068Z INFO  [CmdLineTool] Loaded plugin: Collector 3.0.1 [org.graylog.plugins.collector.CollectorPlugin]
2019-04-19T20:35:54.069Z INFO  [CmdLineTool] Loaded plugin: Threat Intelligence Plugin 3.0.1 [org.graylog.plugins.threatintel.ThreatIntelPlugin]
2019-04-19T20:35:54.070Z INFO  [CmdLineTool] Loaded plugin: Slack 3.0.0 [org.graylog2.plugins.slack.callback.SlackAlarmCallback]
2019-04-19T20:35:54.410Z INFO  [CmdLineTool] Running with JVM arguments: -Xms16g -Xmx16g -XX:NewRatio=1 -XX:+ResizeTLAB -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSConcurrentMTEnabled -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Dlog4j.configurationFile=file:///etc/graylog/server/log4j2.xml -Djava.library.path=/usr/share/graylog-server/lib/sigar -Dgraylog2.installation_source=deb
2019-04-19T20:35:54.625Z INFO  [Version] HV000001: Hibernate Validator 5.1.3.Final
2019-04-19T20:35:56.659Z ERROR [CmdLineTool] Guice error (more detail on log level debug): No implementation for java.util.Map<java.lang.String, org.graylog2.plugin.outputs.MessageOutput$Factory2<? extends org.graylog2.plugin.outputs.MessageOutput>> was bound.
2019-04-19T20:35:56.660Z ERROR [CmdLineTool] Guice error (more detail on log level debug): No implementation for java.util.Map<java.lang.String, org.graylog2.plugin.outputs.MessageOutput$Factory2<? extends org.graylog2.plugin.outputs.MessageOutput>> was bound.
2019-04-19T20:35:56.660Z ERROR [CmdLineTool] Guice error (more detail on log level debug): No implementation for java.util.Map<java.lang.String, org.graylog2.plugin.outputs.MessageOutput$Factory2<? extends org.graylog2.plugin.outputs.MessageOutput>> was bound.
2019-04-19T20:35:56.660Z ERROR [CmdLineTool] Guice error (more detail on log level debug): No implementation for java.util.Map<java.lang.String, org.graylog2.plugin.outputs.MessageOutput$Factory2<? extends org.graylog2.plugin.outputs.MessageOutput>> was bound.
2019-04-19T20:35:56.660Z ERROR [CmdLineTool] Guice error (more detail on log level debug): No implementation for java.util.Map<java.lang.String, org.graylog2.plugin.outputs.MessageOutput$Factory2<? extends org.graylog2.plugin.outputs.MessageOutput>> was bound.
2019-04-19T20:35:56.661Z ERROR [CmdLineTool] Guice error (more detail on log level debug): No implementation for java.util.Map<java.lang.String, org.graylog2.plugin.outputs.MessageOutput$Factory2<? extends org.graylog2.plugin.outputs.MessageOutput>> was bound.

Despite the log’s assertion that there is ‘more detail on log level debug’, running in debug produces no further output on those lines.

In working to track it down myself I’ve removed the JIRA ExeCommandAlarmCallBack and Slack plugins to no effect.

Googling has resulted in nothing useful and any help would be appreciated.

Hate to bump, but I’ve found nothing on this and I’m still stuck.

He @rtanay

I would remove all Plugins - check that you have only compatible plugins in your plugin folder, check the java version and make a full server restart.

That was the first thing I tried, removing all the non-bundled plugins, to no avail.

Thankfully the newest version 3.0.1-2 seems to have resolved the issue. My test instance came up just fine with all plugins included. :+1:

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