Solved: Problem with pipeline rule and grok pattern

Hello everybody,

i am Dirk from Germany. I am a newbie with graylog. The most of my problems i solved with good inet documentation and youtube :-). But now i have a problem with the pipelines rules and a grok pattern.

The following grok pattern works fine within the extracttor.


But the follwoing code for the pipeline rule doesn’t work.

    let message_field = to_string($message.message);
    let fw = grok(pattern: "action=%{QUOTEDSTRING:action}\s*.*\s*srcip=\"%{IPV4:SourceIP}\"\s*dstip=\"%{IPV4:DestinationIP}\"\s*.*\s*srcport=\"%{POSINT:SourcePORT}\"\s*dstport=\"%{POSINT:DestinationPORT}\"", value: message_field, only_named_captures: true);

I can’t safe the rule. I see no red x on the left site if i write the code by hand. If i make a cut and paste from my notepad into the rule editor i get an red x on line 7 on the left site.

At the moment i work with Graylog Version : Graylog v3.0.2+1686930 and Elasticsearch-oss 6.8.2

I hope somebody of you can help me and can say what mistake i have done.

Solution: I have to escape the backslash and the double quotes. Both are special characters.

Thanks a lot.

Best regards


What is the issue you’re actually encountering?

Hi Ponet,

thanks for your reply. I can’t safe the rule. I see no red x on the left site if i write the code by hand. If i make a cut and paste from my notepad into the rule editor i get an red x on line 7 on the left site.

At the moment i work with Graylog Version : Graylog v3.0.2+1686930 and Elasticsearch-oss 6.8.2.

Best regards.


Hi @diba

Try escaping the backslash characters in your grok pattern…

grok(pattern: "action=%{QUOTEDSTRING:action}\\s*.*\\s*srcip=\\"%{IPV4:SourceIP}\\"\\s*dstip=\\"%{IPV4:DestinationIP}\\"\\s*.*\\s*srcport=\\"%{POSINT:SourcePORT}\\"\\s*dstport=\\"%{POSINT:DestinationPORT}\\"", value: message_field, only_named_captures: true);

HI @Ponet,

i tested the code from your answer but unfortunately it doesn’t work.

This time i got two red x in line 7 and 10.

Do you have any other idea ?

Best regards


Hi @Ponet

i found the solution. i have to escape the double quotes too.

Thanks for your help.

Best regards.


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