[Solved] Invalid Credentials & Disk Space

I installed a Graylog2 VM from the .ova and I was able to log in for a bit. Then I tried to set the admin name and password and now I can’t login. I’ve tried Googling an answer but each post seems to reference a different version so none of the solutions quite match up. I’m not even sure which version of Graylog2 I’m running.

Also, the .ova set up a 20GB hard drive for the install. I’m assuming I’m expected to add a second hard drive, right?

Thanks in advance.

To be clearer, I can ssh into the ubuntu server but my credentials don’t work for the web interface. I’ve reset them using graylog-ctl but they still don’t work.

And I still can’t figure out which version I’m running. I think it’s 2.3 but it might be 2.2.

Looks like Graylog does not like ‘$’ in the password. Web interface login fixed.

And I’m running v2.2.3

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