Hello ,
I am using below email settings on graylog server.conf file
but when I m triggering the test email from graylog server but I m getting an error unable to send mail from orch-gl-server-dev-1.internal.orch.com server,
but individual I tried to send mail using the same smtp server, I m able trigger mails,
please let me know if am missing something.
Could not send test alert notification
Sending test alert notification failed with message: Email transport is not enabled in server configuration file!
Yes I restarted graylog server, ( sudo service graylog-server restart)
also I tried with gmail smtp with port 465 in both cases same error
first I click I got : email transport is not enable
second time click again I got error : not able to send mail from this
I got notification created for alert based on rule perfectly fine
plz let me know if u need more details, any help would be grateful to you
output of listener command on graylog server as below
If you changed the settings in the correct configuration file, restarted Graylog, and the SMTP server is reachable from the machine running Graylog, email alerts should work.
Make sure you edited the correct file and restarted the correct Graylog node.