Shards not balanced across four nodes


  • I ran into 3 shards un-assigned issue so I ran following elasticsearch command to disable the replica number from 1 to 0.

[root@syslog01 ~]# cat disable_replica.bash
curl -XPUT ‘’ -d ‘{“index” : {“number_of_replicas” : 0}}’
[root@syslog01 ~]#

  • Now my elasticsearch turned back to green(from yellow).
  • This problem is that 0-1-2-3 shards are not balanced across 4 nodes. See following.

  • Question 1 is why the shards are not balanced out across when replica setting is “0” ?
  • Question 2 is what is the elasticsearch command to spread "0"s to other nodes ?
  • answer 1: that can be configured in ES - depending on the Version that is a little different.
  • answer 2: it will automatically distributed to all nodes that are part of the cluster and hold indices.


Thanks for the lighting response to my question.

  • I am using elasticsearch supported by graylog “Graylog v2.4.3+2c41897”.

[root@syslog01 ~]# rpm -qa |grep elastic
[root@syslog01 ~]#

  • “it will automatically distributed to all nodes that are part of the cluster and hold indices.”
    • Does this mean I can just wait it out then “0” and “3” shards will be distributed eventually ?
    • Is there a command to speed it up ?

you can get a balance with some some commands to the elasticsearch index. The important would be and then you need to force a rebalance. The following doc can help you.

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