Setting up Graylog in AWS ECS using Dynamic Port Mapping

Hello everyone.
I’m currently working on a multi-container setup of graylog hosted on AWS ECS.
Because i want to deploy multiple task (graylog + elasticsearch) I have to use AWS Dynamic Port Mapping, which will give a random port between 49153–65535 or 32768–61000 to my graylog container.
However, since I don’t know in advance which port it will be, I’m getting trouble making it work.
My docker-compose file looks like this :


      - 0:9000 // 0 means dynamic port with ECS
      - 0:80
      - 0:443

With those setting, i’m getting the following error message :

I’ve also tried with different http_bind_adress and http_publish_uri ( “private-ip”:0, etc…, i’m getting a “adress invalid error” with port 0)
My Security groups seems fine since i can connect, receive logs and connect to node when i’m not using the dynamic ports.

My question is : Does something like a wildcard port exists that i can use for graylog and dynamic mapping ? Or should i forget this idea for now ?

Thank you

Edit : I may have posted this in the wrong category, give me a sign if i should move it

My question is : Does something like a wildcard port exists that i can use for graylog and dynamic mapping ? Or should i forget this idea for now ?

you tried something that is never ever thought and created the way you would like to make it work. Please read the documentation inside of the configuration (or online ) what that parameters are for.

You need a fixed port to be used.

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