1. Describe your incident:
I have Opensearch setup in K8s/Docker. When the Opensearch containers start they generate SSL for comms. I had to use SSL if I wanted to use Opensearch Dashboard(kinda pointless in K8s, but whatever).
Because the certs are self-signed, GL wont establish a connection.
2. Describe your environment:
- OS Information:
K8s ver 1.17.3
Worker nodes: RHEL 3.10.0-1160.90.1.el7.x86_64
- Package Version:
image: graylog/graylog:5.1.1-1
- Service logs, configurations, and environment variables:
name: gl-configmap-master
GRAYLOG_ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS: “ht tps /opensearch-cluster-master:9200”
GRAYLOG_MONGODB_URI: “mongo db: / /mongo:27017/graylog”
GRAYLOG_HTTP_PUBLISH_URI: “ht tp: //secret:31900”
GRAYLOG_transport_email_use_auth: “false”
GRAYLOG_transport_email_use_tls: “true”
GRAYLOG_transport_email_hostname: "secret
GRAYLOG_transport_email_use_ssl: “false”
GRAYLOG_transport_email_subject_prefix: “[graylog]”
GRAYLOG_transport_email_from_email: "secret
GRAYLOG_transport_email_enabled: “true”
GRAYLOG_transport_email_port: “25”
GL logs:
2023-06-14 13:18:20,020 ERROR: org.graylog2.storage.versionprobe.VersionProbe - Unable to retrieve version from Elasticsearch node: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target. - unable to find valid certification path to requested target.
2023-06-14 13:18:20,021 INFO : org.graylog2.storage.versionprobe.VersionProbe - Elasticsearch is not available. Retry #32053
3. What steps have you already taken to try and solve the problem?
I tried to find a setting that disables SSL verification for Opensearch, no luck. I also tested successfully without SSL.
4. How can the community help?
Confirm if I can tell GL to not verify certs for comms between GL and Opensearch.