I’m having an issue implementing SSL with my Graylog Server and am finding that the service isn’t generating any log messages. There’s a server.log file at /var/log/graylog-server/ but it’s completely empty and was created way back in March (presumably when I first deployed this server). There are also 10 archives of logs in that folder that were all created on the same day in March.
When I start the service and check it’s status, I see the messages:
main ERROR Null object returned for RollingFile in Appenders.
main ERROR Unable to locate appender "rolling-file" for logger config "root"
Are these the cause of my missing logs? How should I go about fixing this?
I’ve seen this file mentioned, but I’ve never configured one. I’ve searched the drive and there are no files with this name. I also don’t see such a file mentioned as an argument mentioned in the init script. Can you think of any place else to check for such a file?
I took your advice. I went to the Graylog-server GitHub and used what I found there and restarted the service. The two errors in my OP were gone, but still no contents in the log file. I then extracted the original from the deb file and found it was not the same as what I found online. This one has references to the local file, so I’m thinking it’s right. I put it in and restarted the service and now I’m getting the same errors about not being able to locate the rolling file appender.
Perhaps I’m just missing the appender? I don’t know why that would be or how to go about reinstalling it.
I’ve figured it out. The server.log file in /var/log/graylog was owned by root when everything else in the directory was owned by graylog. I deleted the server.log file and restarted the service and it started working. Thanks for the help!