Hope someone can assist with some additional areas for troubleshooting.
I have Graylog 4 installed and am trying to set up a Palo Alto firewall send its syslog messages via SSL
I have certbot to get my SSL certificates and have configured the input with the cert and key on port 6514
I am getting errors in the Graylog server logs:
Error in Input [Palo Alto Networks TCP (PAN-OS v9+)/6014053cbdd58b101134fe90] (channel [id: 0x8cfa1a59, L:/ ! R:/]) (cause io.netty.channel.unix.Errors$NativeIoException: readAddress(..) failed: Connection reset by peer)
I am also seeing the following error in the Palo Alto logs:
Syslog SSL error while writing stream; tls_error=\'SSL routines:SSL3_WRITE_BYTES:ssl handshake failure\'
Not sure if I am missing anything is there something / somewhere I can look to test the connection and my configuration ?
Thanks in advance