Rsyslog Tags disappear in graylog

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1. Describe your incident:
Hi! Im currently sending my Syslogs via rsyslog to my graylogserver.
Im using this rsyslog config:
. action(type=“omfwd” target=“” port=“2543” protocol=“udp” tag=“syslog”)”

the logs appear in the Graylog search, but now i would like to do a seperate stream based on the tag. But it seems like this tag (syslog) is getting removed by graylog or not send to it. I can’t find any tutorial Online on how to use the rsyslg tag in Graylog.

2. Describe your environment:

  • OS Information:
    ubuntu 22.04
  • Package Version:
    Graylog 3.0.2

3. What steps have you already taken to try and solve the problem?
I tried to create an extractor on the Input, but the tag is missing in Graylog, so i cannot configure it.

4. How can the community help?
i just want to know, how to filter in graylog based on rsyslog tag.

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