Reading log files from different application process

I have graylog server and multiple application server. Some application server have logs in /var folder and some in /home folder …
I am not able to fetch logs in UI what am I doing wrong.???
eg: My Graylog server is at 39 machine and application server is 53(have authentication)

My sidecar collector configuration is
# Needed for Graylog
fields_under_root: true
fields.collector_node_id: {sidecar.nodeName} fields.gl2_source_collector: {sidecar.nodeId}

- input_type: log
    - /home/application/log/nohup*
  type: log
   hosts: [""]
  data: /var/lib/graylog-sidecar/collectors/filebeat/data
  logs: /var/lib/graylog-sidecar/collectors/filebeat/log

and my Input configuration is like:
* bind_address:
* no_beats_prefix:false
* number_worker_threads:1
* override_source:
* port:5044
* recv_buffer_size:1048576
* tcp_keepalive:false
* tls_cert_file:
* tls_client_auth:disabled
* tls_client_auth_cert_file:
* tls_enable:false
* tls_key_file:
* tls_key_password:********

I am not able to fetch logs in UI what am I doing wrong.???

I do not get what you want to configure here … I guess you want to configure filebeat? Why did you want to configure the output to the application server?

You run:

[ APP Server ( filebeat - collecting all logs you like ) ] – default port 5044 TCP–> [ Graylog (having one input running for beats) ]

guess you want to configure filebeat?
I have multiple modules in the Application like kafka, database, UI Server, API server, gateway, iot server … they are generating their respective logs on their respective servers … i want to feed all those logs to graylog server which in my case is… as i am newbee to graylog

I tried to log local logs which are on itsself they are visible on UI but these external logs are not reflecting .

so your question is:

How can I configure Filebeat to send logs from any server to Graylog.

The answer you have written in your first post: Reading log files from different application process

But you need to adjust the Output section to have your Graylog server IP.

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