PowerShell and REST API stream search

Hi there,

I’m attempting to search via the rest API using a basic invoke command through PowerShell. The issue i am having is that the following search via a specific stream is not returning anything. Doing the same search via the web interface returns results. Removing the stream from the script also returns results.

$Uri_Search = “https://lnx.server.net:9000/api/views/search/messages
$Headers = @{ Accept = ‘text/csv’; ‘X-Requested-By’ = ‘GraylogScript’ }
$r = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri_Search -Credential $cred -Method Post -ContentType ‘application/json’ -Headers $Headers -Body ‘{
“streams”: [
“query_string”: {
“type”: “elasticsearch”,
“query_string”: “*”
“timerange”: {
“type”: “relative”,
“range”: 300

A few posts have shown a CURL that can be used, and the following works well under a linux host, have also converted it to PowerShell and seems to work ok, but am not sure if its the right way to call via the Graylog REST API.

curl -u admin:xxxx -H ‘X-Requested-By: cli’ “https://lnx.server.net:9000/api/search/universal/relative?query=pf_ip_source_ip%3A8.8.8.8&rangetype=relative&relative=3000&sort=timestamp:desc&pretty=true” -H “Accept: application/json” -H “Content-Type: application/json”

The OS i have under Graylog is RHEL 8 and the current Graylog Version is v4.2.7+879e651.

Have read through the available docs and searched the forums for a solution, and am stuck atm. Seeking guidance.

Here is the PowerShell version of CURL. (Needed to post this separately as i am a new user and wont allow more than two links to be posted at the same time - sorry)

$Uri_Search = “https://lnx.server.net:9000/api/search/universal/relative?query=pf_ip_source_ip%3A8.8.8.8&rangetype=relative&relative=300&sort=timestamp:desc&pretty=true
$Headers = @{ Accept = ‘application/json’; ‘X-Requested-By’ = ‘GraylogScript’ }
$r = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri_Search -Credential $cred -Method Get -ContentType ‘application/json’ -Headers $Headers
$r | ConvertTo-Json

Hello && Welcome @rm8d

Have you checkout the API browser on the Graylog Node? That should give you a better idea what is needed for an API call if you haven’t already
As for the PowerShell, Have you tested by asking for a single result, using the
Invoke-RestMethod cmdlet? It will make the web request and then convert the JSON data returned by the API into a PowerShell object.


Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -ContentType “application/json” -Uri “https://graylog.domain.com:9000/api/stream/1”
1 Like

@gsmith, thanks for helping and pointing me in the right direction. I ended up using the one liner and found that i was using the wrong stream ID.

I found the correct ID by using [GET] /streams call under the API browser. All works now as expected.

Many thanks!

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@gsmith, I do have another question. Using the Invoke method using ‘Post’ returns the following error when using the following API call [/api/views/search/messages].

  • “Invoke-RestMethod : Unable to export as JSON - Enterprise license is missing or invalid!”

This only occurs when I use “‘application/json’” in the header, but works fine with “text/csv”. Any reason why, is this a licensed feature?


I’m not sure, I would have to research that error. Did you check Graylog log file and/or maybe the device your executing the Invoke-RestMethod? See if you can find more information on why. To be honest.

Can you post the API your using?

Hi @gsmith, yeah, checked the logs, and turned on debug mode for a short period and did a tail on /var/log/graylog-server/server.log. Nothing coming up expect below.

The API call is below, same as the original post, just with the exception of the following header change “application/json” rather than “text/csv”.

------------------------- API Call ---------------------------
$Uri_Search = “https://lnx.server.net:9000/api/views/search/messages”
$Headers = @{ Accept = ‘application/json’; ‘X-Requested-By’ = ‘GraylogScript’ }
$r = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri_Search -Credential $cred -Method Post -ContentType ‘application/json’ -Headers $Headers -Body ‘{
“streams”: [
“query_string”: {
“type”: “elasticsearch”,
“query_string”: “*”
“timerange”: {
“type”: “relative”,
“range”: 300
------------------------- API Call ---------------------------

So this API call give you an error?

Yeah that’s the one.

I should attached a screenshot of the error that is shown under the Windows ISE.

----------------------Displayed Error------------------------------------------------------------------
Invoke-RestMethod : Unable to export as JSON - Enterprise license is missing or invalid!
At line:5 char:6

  • $r = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri_Search -Credential $cred -Method Pos …
  •  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (System.Net.HttpWebRequest:HttpWebRequest) [Invoke-RestMethod], WebException
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand
      ----------------------Displayed Error------------------------------------------------------------------

Hey @gsmith, any ideas or avenues to seek a solution? Is an Ent license required for this API feature use?

Hello @rm8d

My apologies, I wanted to do some testing in my lab but haven’t got a chance to get around to it yet.
Thanks for the reminder.

This as just a guess, If the API endpoint is acquainted with a enterprise version then yes.

Since this topic is closed can you make a new post with all the information needed?

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