After days trying to get this working, I think that I need help, :’(
Basically, I have this:
- Microsoft DNS Server Logs, collected with SilkETW, shipped with Winlogbeat and parsed as json, with parse_json, select_jsonpath, and key_value functions in a pipeline rule (this is working ok):
rule “Regla Pipeline - Windows DNS Server - SilkService - Extrae campos JSON del campo event_data_param1”
let json = parse_json(to_string($message.event_data_param1));
let json_fields = select_jsonpath(json, {json_XmlEventData: “$.XmlEventData”});
let json_nested_fields = select_jsonpath(json, {json_FormattedMessage: “$.XmlEventData.FormattedMessage”});
let kv_fields = to_string(json_nested_fields);
set_fields(key_value(value: kv_fields, trim_value_chars: “;”));
One of the parsed fields, named QNAME, with contains the DNS LookUp Qualified Name, from which I’m trying to get mutiple resolved IP address corresponding to it, using a DNS LookUp Table.
Using the single_value response of the DNS LookUp Table to generate QNAME_IP field is working ok, both using extractor or pipeline rule, but I want the multi_value response, specifically the IP addresses, and at my understanding, that can only be obtained/used with a pileline rule, not a extractor.
Here is a example:
My pipeline rule:
rule “Regla Pipeline - Windows DNS Server - SilkService - Lookup DNS QNAME”
has_field(“QNAME”) AND NOT contains(to_string($message.QNAME), “empresa.com”)
let lookup_IPs_json = lookup(“DNS_QNAME_IP”, to_string($message.QNAME));
// Text variable for testing
let QNAME_IPs = select_jsonpath(parse_json(to_string(lookup_IPs_json)), { ip_address: “$.results[*].ip_address”});
set_field(“QNAME_IPs”, QNAME_IPs);
With that rule, QNAME_IPs is always null.
For the JSonPath of the rule, I already tried with no luck (helped me with Json Path Online Evalutator from http://jsonpath.com):
- $.results[*].ip_address
- $.multi_value.results[*].ip_address
- $.results.ip_address
- $.string_list_value
The strange thing here, at least for me, is that the text field that I’m generating for troubleshooting, have this text (for the example above):
{results=[ADnsAnswer{ipAddress=, ipVersion=null, dnsTTL=47}, ADnsAnswer{ipAddress=, ipVersion=null, dnsTTL=47}]}
What I Finally need as a result, is to populate and Object field, named QNAME_IPs, with this (for the example above):
[ “”, “” ]
Other strange thing (again, at least for me), is that sometimes, using different DNS Servers configured in the DNS LookUp Table for troubleshooing, the lookup for a QNAME brings my a single IP, duplicated, but when I retry the lookup, is OK:
I can think that this last problem is maybe a DNS Server problem, but how is it happening configuring different DNS Servers (from my work, public) in the DNS LookUp Table in different times, maybe it is a bug in the DNS Lookup Table Adapter of Graylog.
Can anybody try to explain my what I’m doing wrong with my pipeline rule?
Thanks in advance for your help.