I am receiving “Null indexSetId” after upgrading from 2.1.3 to 2.3.2. In the logs I also see the following. Can someone let me know where to set this or what I can do?
Could not apply filter [StreamMatcher] on message <c49f6991-dc77-11e7-85b6-0a206782e8c1>:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: index set must not be null! (stream id=59ca6783a9b2c7b48b3d13ca
Alerts are going out but Search and Streams UI are completely inaccessible. I tried to rollback but that did not work at all.
I deleted all of the Streams and Stream Rules out of the mongodb and ran a recalculate and it’s working fine now.
More info, what seems to have happened is that some streams did not get the “index_set_id” added in their definition in the Streams Collection in mongo. Here is a bad one:
This should work but unless you provide the logs of your Graylog nodes from directly after the upgrade, we have no way in finding out why it didn’t work in your case.