"no leader Graylog server node" alert toggles on/off every nth second


So I upgraded our Graylog 5.x to Graylog 6.0.4+9759bc7 just now. After this I have this message coming and going every nth second:

There was no leader Graylog server node detected in the cluster

(triggered a few seconds ago)

Certain operations of Graylog server require the presence of a leader node, but no such leader was started. Please ensure that one of your Graylog server nodes contains the setting `is_leader = true` in its configuration and that it is running. Until this is resolved index cycling will not be able to run, which means that the index retention mechanism is also not running, leading to increased index sizes. Certain maintenance functions as well as a variety of web interface pages (e.g. Dashboards) are unavailable.

I have searched here and on the net and I find loads of threads about it, but no real solution. This is a single node setup. I have ‘is_master = true’ in the config and I’ve now added ‘is_leader = true’.

When the message shows I noticed that I loose the node name in system messages. So instead of ‘myHost.myDomain.local](http://192.168.xx.xx:9000/system/nodes/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx)’ it just says ‘Unknown node’. As soon as the error goes away, proper node name is shown.

Any ideas or suggestions of where to look? There are no clues that I can see in ‘server.log’. And there are no new entries there when it flashes in the GUI


Aaah. Looks like the domain was misconfigured on this box. Seems stable now. I hope.

Ya i was going to say this can happen with issues in the publish uri and some of those settings. Glad you got it fixed.

HI, i have the same issue. The alert is going on/off. i checked the http publish URI and seems fine. Im kinda lost what else to check. Hope you can help. thanks!

have you verified your domain settings and fqdn?

does it base on hostname? we’re only using this internally so it’s only using default hostname upon setup. but the URl is using the correct IP of the server

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Check the publish_uri in server.conf of every graylog node, this needs to be the address, either ip or fqdn of that machine that the other machines can use to reach it.