I only got stared and imported my very first log file using plain TCP. Now searching for any string (here “cache”) will just return empty result- no rows matched:
Can you give a full example message (using the forum tools </> to make it look nice… and making sure its properly obfuscated if need be…) Did you try searching for other words like TRACE or vehicleOdometer ?
I was going to add a regex extractor to get the area (cache) to filter by that. When area: cache didn’t return a search result I’ve tried just cache or vehicle as search term. Always with the same result- empty.
Another fun fact: v or e return the above message. ve does return empty?!
I have not worked with the docker version at all. Perhaps double check your whole setup? Search shouldn’t be broken like that… you can try making it a regex search like: /cache/ but that is not solving the issue.
I do notice you have a red warning dot on your console, what does that resolve out to be? Do you see anything in the Graylog logs when you search - or even in general?