My input recive logs but don't send

I have simple GELF UDP input source.
I’m sending logs from my app and this receives but don’t send…

In the logs show this…

2020-12-11T10:47:53.041-06:00 INFO [ServerBootstrap] Graylog server up and running.
2020-12-11T10:47:53.101-06:00 INFO [InputStateListener] Input [Beats/5f46f31757f28e72143d40fe] is now STARTING
2020-12-11T10:47:53.125-06:00 INFO [InputStateListener] Input [Syslog UDP/5f3c586230aab7155fe0ada6] is now STARTING
2020-12-11T10:47:53.137-06:00 INFO [InputStateListener] Input [GELF UDP/5fd10117c5fcda4a5548c58e] is now STARTING
2020-12-11T10:47:53.243-06:00 INFO [InputStateListener] Input [Beats/5f46f31757f28e72143d40fe] is now RUNNING
2020-12-11T10:47:53.249-06:00 WARN [AbstractTcpTransport] receiveBufferSize (SO_RCVBUF) for input Beats2Input{title=MetricBeats,, nodeId=c9f0019e-60ae-4bc0-bce7-97d85d07c721} (channel [id: 0x8c739856, L:/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0%0:5044]) should be 1048576 but is 2097152.
2020-12-11T10:47:53.249-06:00 WARN [UdpTransport] receiveBufferSize (SO_RCVBUF) for input GELFUDPInput{title=Consumo UDP , type=org.graylog2.inputs.gelf.udp.GELFUDPInput, nodeId=c9f0019e-60ae-4bc0-bce7-97d85d07c721} (channel [id: 0xf5bd9cfa, L:/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0%0:12201]) should be 262144 but is 524288.
2020-12-11T10:47:53.251-06:00 WARN [UdpTransport] receiveBufferSize (SO_RCVBUF) for input SyslogUDPInput{title=Colector de syslog , type=org.graylog2.inputs.syslog.udp.SyslogUDPInput, nodeId=c9f0019e-60ae-4bc0-bce7-97d85d07c721} (channel [id: 0x7aa84b2f, L:/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0%0:5014]) should be 262144 but is 524288.
2020-12-11T10:47:53.259-06:00 WARN [UdpTransport] receiveBufferSize (SO_RCVBUF) for input SyslogUDPInput{title=Colector de syslog , type=org.graylog2.inputs.syslog.udp.SyslogUDPInput, nodeId=c9f0019e-60ae-4bc0-bce7-97d85d07c721} (channel [id: 0x3572021e, L:/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0%0:5014]) should be 262144 but is 524288.
2020-12-11T10:47:53.265-06:00 INFO [InputStateListener] Input [Syslog UDP/5f3c586230aab7155fe0ada6] is now RUNNING
2020-12-11T10:47:53.270-06:00 WARN [UdpTransport] receiveBufferSize (SO_RCVBUF) for input GELFUDPInput{title=Consumo UDP , type=org.graylog2.inputs.gelf.udp.GELFUDPInput, nodeId=c9f0019e-60ae-4bc0-bce7-97d85d07c721} (channel [id: 0x0fe1f25e, L:/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0%0:12201]) should be 262144 but is 524288.
2020-12-11T10:47:53.277-06:00 INFO [InputStateListener] Input [GELF UDP/5fd10117c5fcda4a5548c58e] is now RUNNING
2020-12-11T13:04:57.228-06:00 INFO [Reflections] Reflections took 2743 ms to scan 4 urls, producing 977 keys and 2502 values
2020-12-11T13:04:57.574-06:00 INFO [Reflections] Reflections took 3112 ms to scan 4 urls, producing 977 keys and 2502 values
2020-12-11T13:04:57.591-06:00 INFO [Reflections] Reflections took 3117 ms to scan 4 urls, producing 977 keys and 2502 values
2020-12-11T13:04:57.613-06:00 INFO [Reflections] Reflections took 3086 ms to scan 4 urls, producing 977 keys and 2502 values
2020-12-11T13:04:57.617-06:00 INFO [Reflections] Reflections took 3138 ms to scan 4 urls, producing 977 keys and 2502 values
2020-12-11T13:04:57.691-06:00 INFO [Reflections] Reflections took 3220 ms to scan 4 urls, producing 977 keys and 2502 values
2020-12-11T19:02:00.760-06:00 INFO [connection] Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:9, serverValue:19}] to localhost:27017

And this the graylog version

*[root@graylog-server]# yum info graylog-server *
Complementos cargados:fastestmirror
Repository elastic-6.x is listed more than once in the configuration
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile

    • base:*
    • extras:*
    • updates:*
      Paquetes instalados
      Nombre : graylog-server
      Arquitectura : noarch
      Versión : 3.3.5
      Lanzamiento : 1
      Tamaño : 133 M
      Repositorio : installed
      Desde el repositorio : graylog
      Resumen : Graylog server
      Licencia : GPLv3
      Descripción :Graylog server

Paquetes disponibles
Nombre : graylog-server
Arquitectura : noarch
Versión : 3.3.9
Lanzamiento : 1
Tamaño : 121 M
Repositorio : graylog/x86_64
Resumen : Graylog server
Licencia : GPLv3
Descripción :Graylog server


Any ideas or help that allows me to solve this?


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