**1. Hi, I have followed the exact instructions including ‘chown’ but my Data Adapter continues to show “Could not find a MaxMind DB metadata marker in this file (GeoLite2-Country.mmdb) Is this a valid MaxMind DB file?” I dont understand what I am doing wrong. I am using Graylog 5.0.2, please help
**2. Using Docker Desktop container on Windows 11, Graylog 5.0.2
**3. Attempted several times to remove and re-download mmdb file from my MaxMind account.
**4. Not sure what i am missing. Is there something else I can try? Is there a way to use MaxMind DB CSV instead of mmdb?
help please? would a timezone mismatch cause the mmdb file to be reading incorrectly? Im at a loss of where to check/troubleshoot next. I have tried starting a fresh docker container, same issue.
if you are using the exact docker-compose.yml from the linked Github, then you must include the mmdb file - otherwise the Docker Image won’t know the file.
This is - for example - from my docker-compose.yml - service graylog: