Login Problem - Docker Compose - unable to login

I used the latest docker compose in github docker compose
I use open-core section of docker-compose above.
I replaced GRAYLOG_DATANODE_PASSWORD_SECRET and GRAYLOG_DATANODE_ROOT_PASSWORD_SHA2 as instructed in datanode and graylog section.
I spin up using docker-compose up -d
It is up in http://localhost:9000. I login using the password (I tried both value of password as clear text and as hash value) and it still fails.
I ssh into the container to check the /run/secret/ and there is no value there.
I confused on how to login. Please help
image: “${DATANODE_IMAGE:-graylog/graylog-datanode:5.2}”
GRAYLOG_DATANODE_NODE_ID_FILE: “/var/lib/graylog-datanode/node-id”
GRAYLOG_DATANODE_PASSWORD_SECRET: “gj21DLc1h3M60fYlFZcBFu3QLvDuh6itBb6LozhpO48Yr5GOuN21YpW98isQoWh1rfMbcTT1zgmRiyNxmDsMthlcEs0Y4Uho”
GRAYLOG_DATANODE_ROOT_PASSWORD_SHA2: “d3bcc4ceb0547442ce0695dab9275880f29767de27b26783146be2b68d17207a”
GRAYLOG_DATANODE_MONGODB_URI: “mongodb://mongodb:27017/graylog”

hostname: “server”
image: “${GRAYLOG_IMAGE:-graylog/graylog:5.2}”
condition: “service_started”
entrypoint: “/usr/bin/tini – /docker-entrypoint.sh”
GRAYLOG_NODE_ID_FILE: “/usr/share/graylog/data/data/node-id”
GRAYLOG_PASSWORD_SECRET: “gj21DLc1h3M60fYlFZcBFu3QLvDuh6itBb6LozhpO48Yr5GOuN21YpW98isQoWh1rfMbcTT1zgmRiyNxmDsMthlcEs0Y4Uho”
GRAYLOG_ROOT_PASSWORD_SHA2: “d3bcc4ceb0547442ce0695dab9275880f29767de27b26783146be2b68d17207a”
GRAYLOG_HTTP_EXTERNAL_URI: “http://localhost:9000/
GRAYLOG_MONGODB_URI: “mongodb://mongodb:27017/graylog”

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I am also facing the same problem, but I installed mine on Ubuntu server!

What are y’all seeing? What do the docker logs (or local logs) say?

I believe you have to setup the datanode first before you can use graylog and the info about that is in the logs (either via docker logs, or the local log).

I just spun up the compose file and this is what i’m seeing:

first time setup

2024-01-03 19:13:13,046 INFO : org.graylog2.bootstrap.preflight.PreflightJerseyService - 
    ########  ###   ######### ##########   ####         #### ---         .----               ----
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 #####     ######   #####              #### ####      ####   ---     ---        ---     ---        -----
####         ####   ####       ############  ####     ####   ---    --           ---   ---           ---
###           ###   ####     ##############   ####   ####    ---   ---            --   --             --
####         ####   ####    ####       ####    #### ####     ---   ---            --   --            .--
#####       #####   ####    ####       ####     #######      ---    ---          ---   ---           ---
 ################   ####     ##############     ######-       --     ----      ----      ---       -----
   ##############   ####      #############      #####        -----   -----------         ----------  --
             ####                                ####                                                ---
#####       ####                                ####                                     -          .--
  #############                                ####                                     -----     ----
     ######                                   ####                                          -------
It seems you are starting Graylog for the first time. To set up a fresh install, a setup interface has
been started. You must log in to it to perform the initial configuration and continue.
Initial configuration is accessible at, with username 'admin' and password 'pdekzAtzRz'.

From there i’m brought through a workflow for setting up datanode (which is used instead of vanilla OpenSearch)

Hi Thanks for the reply.
I tried your suggestion to run docker logs
Then I get to see username & password that are provided; however this is NOT in the README.md thus I kept entering the password that i created using sha (as instructed) and graylog kept refusing me.
Thank you for your reply. Please fix the readme

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