Local build for plugin failing

Hi there!

I’m trying to develop a new plugin for Graylog but I’m blocking on the local build of the graylog-project.
I followed the instructions here (https://github.com/Graylog2/graylog-project) to build the project localy with maven and IntelliJ.
mvn compile builds succesfully despite some warnings:

INFO] e[1mReactor Summary:e[m
[INFO] Graylog Parent POM ................................. e[1;32mSUCCESSe[m [  0.003 s]
[INFO] Graylog Project Parent POM ......................... e[1;32mSUCCESSe[m [  0.235 s]
[INFO] Graylog ............................................ e[1;32mSUCCESSe[m [06:35 min]
[INFO] Graylog Plugin Parent POM .......................... e[1;32mSUCCESSe[m [  0.020 s]
[INFO] Graylog Plugin with Web support Parent POM ......... e[1;32mSUCCESSe[m [  3.560 s]
[INFO] graylog-plugin-collector ........................... e[1;32mSUCCESSe[m [02:17 min]
[INFO] graylog-plugin-aws ................................. e[1;32mSUCCESSe[m [01:55 min]
[INFO] graylog-plugin-threatintel ......................... e[1;32mSUCCESSe[m [01:53 min]
[INFO] graylog-project .................................... e[1;32mSUCCESSe[m [  0.000 s]
[INFO] runner ............................................. e[1;32mSUCCESSe[m [  2.920 s]
[INFO] integration-tests .................................. e[1;32mSUCCESSe[m [  0.317 s]
[INFO] graylog-plugin-archetype ........................... e[1;32mSUCCESSe[m [  0.934 s]
[INFO] e[1m------------------------------------------------------------------------e[m
[INFO] e[1m------------------------------------------------------------------------e[m
[INFO] Total time: 12:50 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2018-04-25T09:39:21+02:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 209M/809M
[INFO] e[1m------------------------------------------------------------------------e[m

But when I try to run the server on IntelliJ I’ve those errors: https://pastebin.com/Cx8JER3k

I’am running on Fedora 27 with a fresh install. Am I missing something?


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