JSON parsing in pipeline

Graylog 3.0.2+1686930

I’m trying to parse json fields in pipeline rule. In stage 0 I’m parsing “message” field, creating “Properties” field from it and parsing “Properties”:

    has_field("Properties") &&
    contains(to_string($message.message), "data", true)
    let msg = parse_json(to_string($message.message));
    let prop = select_jsonpath(msg, {Properties: "$.Properties"});
    set_field("Properties", to_string(prop.Properties));
    let props = parse_json(to_string($message.Properties));

This part is working fine.
As result, new “IntegrationEvent” field appears.

In stage 1 I’m parsing json from “IntegrationEvent”. Simple script, like

let ints = parse_json(to_string($message.IntegrationEvent));

does not work: nothing happens there, new fields does not appear.
I was trying to write this script:

    has_field("Properties") &&
    contains(to_string($message.Properties), "IntegrationEvent", true)
    let prop = parse_json(to_string($message.Properties));
    let int = select_jsonpath(prop, {IntegrationEvent: "$.IntegrationEvent"});

    let ints = parse_json(to_string(int.IntegrationEvent));

I’m checking for “Properties” field instead of “IntegrationEvent”, because didn’t see any result when was checking this field.
I was trying to set_field(“IntegrationEvent2”, to_string(int.IntegrationEvent)), and this field successfully appeared, so the first part of this script is working.
But the second part does not work: Messages, containing “IntegrationEvent” field, disappear.

Forgot to say: stage 0 didn’t work either, while I created extractor for “message” field, which is parsing it on first json level and creating “Properties” field, as well as some others, but it’s not in json format, so I’m rewriting it in this pipeline.
It’s looking weird though.

Check your Message processor configuration, your Message Filter chain should be before Pipeline Processor. If not, your pipeline rule couldn’t see extracted field, before it’s run before field extraction.


Thank You.

I found that on forums, when was trying to write the first script.
Now my Message processor config looks like this:

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Send your example message field, and desired result, so we can help you…

	"Timestamp": "2020-03-31T10:10:11.3787618+03:00",
	"Level": "Information",
	"MessageTemplate": "Handling integration event: {IntegrationEventId} - {@IntegrationEvent}",
	"RenderedMessage": "Handling integration event: 0000 - ActualizeStoragePlaceEvent { StorageId: 1, ClientDateTime: 03/31/2020 07:10:11, FromStorageId: null, Id: 0000, CreationDate: 03/31/2020 07:10:11, CorrelationId: \"0000\" }",
	"Properties": {
		"IntegrationEventId": "0000",
		"IntegrationEvent": {
			"_typeTag": "ActualizeStoragePlaceEvent",
			"StorageId": 1,
			"ClientDateTime": "2020-03-31T07:10:11.7590000",
			"FromStorageId": null,
			"Id": "0000",
			"CreationDate": "2020-03-31T07:10:11.3817043Z",
			"CorrelationId": "0000"
		"SourceContext": "Company.Data.Services.Impl.MesIntegrationService.EventHandlers.EventHandler`1[[Company.Data.Services.EventContracts.Domain.AccountingDomain.ActualizeStoragePlaceEvent, Company.Data.Services.EventContracts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]]",
		"ProcessingEventId": "0000",
		"RequestId": "0000",
		"MachineName": "mesintegrationservice-548f4bf7cf-r5flx",
		"EnvironmentUserName": null,
		"ProcessId": 1,
		"ProcessName": "dotnet",
		"ThreadId": 38,
		"AssemblyName": "Company.Data.Services.Impl.MesIntegrationService",
		"AssemblyVersion": "",
		"User-Agent": null,
		"Remote-IP": null,
		"EnvVar-ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT": "Production",
		"Application": "MesIntegrationService"

“Properties” field is taken from here and “IntegrationEvent” is taken from “Properties”.

So, the final message must look like:

	"_typeTag": "ActualizeStoragePlaceEvent",
	"StorageId": 1,
	"ClientDateTime": "2020-03-31T07:10:11.7590000",
	"FromStorageId": null,
	"Id": "0000",
	"CreationDate": "2020-03-31T07:10:11.3817043Z",
	"CorrelationId": "0000"
	"IntegrationEventId": "0000",
	"IntegrationEvent": {
	"_typeTag": "ActualizeStoragePlaceEvent",
	"StorageId": 1,
	"ClientDateTime": "2020-03-31T07:10:11.7590000",
	"FromStorageId": null,
	"Id": "0000",
	"CreationDate": "2020-03-31T07:10:11.3817043Z",
	"CorrelationId": "0000"
	"SourceContext": "Company.Data.Services.Impl.MesIntegrationService.EventHandlers.EventHandler`1[[Company.Data.Services.EventContracts.Domain.AccountingDomain.ActualizeStoragePlaceEvent, Company.Data.Services.EventContracts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]]",
	"ProcessingEventId": "0000",
	"RequestId": "0000",
	"MachineName": "mesintegrationservice-548f4bf7cf-r5flx",
	"EnvironmentUserName": null,
	"ProcessId": 1,
	"ProcessName": "dotnet",
	"ThreadId": 38,
	"AssemblyName": "Company.Data.Services.Impl.MesIntegrationService",
	"AssemblyVersion": "",
	"User-Agent": null,
	"Remote-IP": null,
	"Application": "MesIntegrationService"
	"Timestamp": "2020-03-31T10:10:11.3787618+03:00",
	"Level": "Information",
	"MessageTemplate": "Handling integration event: {IntegrationEventId} - {@IntegrationEvent}",
	"RenderedMessage": "Handling integration event: 0000 - ActualizeStoragePlaceEvent { StorageId: 1, ClientDateTime: 03/31/2020 07:10:11, FromStorageId: null, Id: 0000, CreationDate: 03/31/2020 07:10:11, CorrelationId: \"0000\" }",
	"Properties": {
		"IntegrationEventId": "0000",
		"IntegrationEvent": {
			"_typeTag": "ActualizeStoragePlaceEvent",
			"StorageId": 1,
			"ClientDateTime": "2020-03-31T07:10:11.7590000",
			"FromStorageId": null,
			"Id": "0000",
			"CreationDate": "2020-03-31T07:10:11.3817043Z",
			"CorrelationId": "0000"
		"SourceContext": "Company.Data.Services.Impl.MesIntegrationService.EventHandlers.EventHandler`1[[Company.Data.Services.EventContracts.Domain.AccountingDomain.ActualizeStoragePlaceEvent, Company.Data.Services.EventContracts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]]",
		"ProcessingEventId": "0000",
		"RequestId": "0000",
		"MachineName": "mesintegrationservice-548f4bf7cf-r5flx",
		"EnvironmentUserName": null,
		"ProcessId": 1,
		"ProcessName": "dotnet",
		"ThreadId": 38,
		"AssemblyName": "Company.Data.Services.Impl.MesIntegrationService",
		"AssemblyVersion": "",
		"User-Agent": null,
		"Remote-IP": null,
		"EnvVar-ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT": "Production",
		"Application": "MesIntegrationService"

Found that after stage 0 “IntegrationEvent” field is not a string type.
Tried to set_field(“IntegrationEvent”, to_string($message.IntegrationEvent)). Got an error, maybe it refers to this message (new messages with “IntegrationEvent” stopped to appear):

    "reason":"failed to parse field [Result] of type [keyword] in document with id 'ea4164a5-7419-11ea-b99f-005056b3bebe'",
        "type":"illegal_state_exception","reason":"Can't get text on a START_OBJECT at 1:2167"

Upd. No, it was not caused by my changes, it continued after I removed stage 1 and messages began to appear again.

Upd.2 I’ve checked, “IntegrationEvent” field has “map” type.

We could make it work, finally! All in stage 0:

rule "Data Parsing"

    has_field("Properties") &&
    contains(to_string($message.message), "data", true)
    let msg = parse_json(to_string($message.message));
    let prop = select_jsonpath(msg, {Properties: "$.Properties"});
    set_field("Properties", to_string(prop.Properties));
    let props = parse_json(to_string($message.Properties));

    let int = select_jsonpath(msg, {IntEvent: "$.Properties.IntegrationEvent"});
    let ints = parse_json(to_string(int.IntEvent));
    set_fields(to_map(ints), "IntegrationEvent_");

Maybe there was some field in json, that concur with field in message.

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