JSON extractor putting _ instead of . as the Key separator

Hey @joseraeiro

Short answer is yes. I get by with pipelines but @tmacgbay is very good at it. I normally refer to his expertise on this issue.

Not 100% sure but I believe a regex inside this pipeline maybe will do the trick.
In the forum I found something like this.

rule "R-DeviceID Regex Replacement"

    let N_DeviceID = regex_replace("(\\d+)\\/(\\d+)\\/(\\d+)\\/(\\d+)\\:(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)",to_string($message."R-DeviceID"),"$3-$4-$5-$6-$7",true);
    set_field("R-DeviceID", N_DeviceID);

Graylog has two that i see.

  • regex_replace(pattern, value, replacement, [replace_all]) : String

  • replace(value, search, [replacement], [max]) : String

NOTE: I found this example.

Sorry this is out of my knowledge on modifing field data with Pipeline. honestly, I fix before it hits graylog and some instances I used a extractor.