javax.mail.internet.AddressException: Missing final '@domain' in string

I have set email configuration as below:

Email transport

transport_email_enabled = true
transport_email_hostname =
transport_email_port = 25
transport_email_use_auth = true
transport_email_auth_username = username
transport_email_auth_password = pass
transport_email_subject_prefix = [graylog]
transport_email_from_email =

but, when i want to test it , i get error:
Error: Notification has email recipients and is triggered, but sending emails failed. javax.mail.internet.AddressException: Missing final ‘@domain’ in string ``’’

How can I fix: javax.mail.internet.AddressException: Missing final ‘@domain’ in string

Note: I have use it this configuration for lots Outgoing Mail Server Settings and they send email notification as well. but i dont know why graylog returns the error.

Random guess - your transport_email_auth_username may need to be in e-mail address format?

You use unsecure communication, so check the process with TCPdump.
And if you use it over the internet change it to a secure one.

Hi ,

the error is " sending emails failed. javax.mail.internet.AddressException: Missing final ‘@domain’ in string ``"
it seems since my email hostname is without “@” , I got the error.


unfortunately, not working

Yes, but if you check the communication, you can get closer to the problem.
I think it can caused by the remote server, or the local program/process.
If you get it, you can exclude one of it…

Hi ,

Unfortunately, in TCP dump there is no clue about SMTP or IP of mail-server
I run TCPdumt for 3mins, and try sending email from Notification panel 5 times.

in this case, you shoud find the problem in the application.
Check your recipient address.

I have set similar configuration at other services and they work,
I don’t know why graylog could accept the string:
It does not include any @…
maybe, default Host0Name should be something like:
How can I fix “javax.mail.internet.AddressException” setups?

check the recipients in the alerts setting. maybe there are the problem.

how can I find “org.apache.commons.mail.EmailException” module .
Where is it used/call?


sender should be like: , at web api setup
no change done on server mail configuration.
good luck

set : ransport_email_use_auth = false on config file., even though you set user name and password to authentication.

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