Integrate custom collector

ist there documentation on how to write and integrate custom collectors to sidecars?

we are running graylog 4.2.9. We have > 10 windows machines with sidecar installed to collect logs from files. Some applications on these machines locally wirte logs to sqlite databases. I would like to write an application that transfers the logs from the sqlite to graylog. I think it makes sense to integrate that application as a collector to be able to user graylog/sidcar to deploy configuration.

Please let me know if that makes sense and how to approach.
Thank you very much!

In the past people have talked about dumping the database via script and having that shipped to Graylog but I am sure that there would be many people interested in something with Sidecar. You might have better luck asking in Github: GitHub - Graylog2/collector-sidecar: Manage log collectors through Graylog

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