What options do I have when Graylog parses message fields incorectly?
For example here’s a message from a FortiGate firewall:
date=2023-10-05 time=10:32:59 devname=“hostname” logid=“0317013312” type=“utm” subtype=“webfilter” reqtype=“referral” url=“https://yt3.ggpht.com/mFSCqiot6mjEbniR-uqMGnRcekR4BbU3gg5O5_qb9KUlZlVlXXnSwM5ngs3dzuWpEt65lvGJzA=s88-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj” sentbyte=1852 rcvdbyte=1706
Graylog incorectly parses fields for this type of mesages including URLs. For example in this case I get:
filed: url / value: http://yt3.ggpht.com/mFSCqiot6mjEbniR-uqMGnRcekR4BbU3gg5O5_qb9KUlZlVlXXnSwM5ngs3dzuWpEt65lvGJzA=s88-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj
field: uqMGnRcekR4BbU3gg5O5_qb9KUlZlVlXXnSwM5ngs3dzuWpEt65lvGJzA / value: s88-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj
The URL filed value is correct but there’s an extra second field that is just data part of the URL, it’s not an actual filed of the log message.
How should I deal with these extra fields? Is there some pipeline rule I can build to delete them? Any option to get rid of these extra fileds is welcome.
Thank you!