I dont see my logs in Graylog

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Hi, i am new to graylog and im trying to setup a centralized log service. I have setup my windows machine as a test. I am using Nxlog to send my logs via TCP port 12201 to my graylog input which i configured with GELF TCP port 12201 aswell. I can see in the input page that my input is getting logs but i dont see my messages…

The time stamp is the same as well. I ran this command : Test-NetConnection -ComputerName xx.xx.xx.xx -Port 12201 and got a positive response

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Hey @rameen,

Could there be a time/date/timezone difference to the logs being sent from your windows host to the Graylog host, when searching on Graylog this would need to be accounted for.

hey @Wine_Merchant thanks for the reply,
on my windows machine the time is the same to my graylog server

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