How to send selected field only with graylog Alert Notification

We are implemented Graylog server for Windows Logs.
From Client sides ( Windows Machines ) send logs to Graylog using nxlog client
using GELF_UDP

Graylog Server version is 6.

We want to configure the Alert email in case there is Failed user login/password attempt ( By using Windows Event ID 4625 ).

Alert is working and it is triggering notification. The issue is that we want only selected Field of Alert to incldue in notifcation email. I tried to use below way

It is sending cmplete log.

Below is configuration I am trying to use

${if backlog}
ā€” [Backlog] ------------------------------------
Last messages accounting for this alert:
${foreach backlog message}
User: ${message.fields.TargetUserName}

I am able to figure out the issue.

Actually I need to make the changes Email HTML Body section.
Before I was making previous mentioned changes in Email body (Plain)

My client was receiving the email in HTML format.

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