How to see the actual number of running *buffer_processors? (and/or CPU usage per buffer_process)


just a question in general:

Before graylog version 6 we had to configure the number of inputbuffer_processors, processbuffer_processors and outputbuffer_processors manually.

Now with the recent version these settings can be removed and graylog could set the settings by itself. However, with the automatic settings I see a drop in message throughput. Out of curiosity I would like to see, how many buffer-processors graylog decided to use… Is there a way to see that?

Side quest:
Can I see the actual CPU Usage per *buffer_processor thread?



I tried to remove these settings to check performances, but it decreases from 11 000 EPS to 5 000 EPS.
So I think auto-detection of CPUs is nice to begin with Graylog but you would have better performances by setting these values.

Regarding the actual number of threads I’ve tried the following commands:

ps -T -p <graylog_pid> | grep buffer
top -H -p <graylog_pid>

It looks interesting but it’s different from the values I’ve set in the configuration file so I’m not sure.

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