I,ve got Graylog 3.1.2. I’m trying to setup a syslog for cisco router (Cisco IOS Software, 7200 Software, Version 15.2). I’ve upploaded Content Pack “Cisco Switches And Routers”. In Input CISCO_IOS_SYSLOG I see log messages from cisco router which are splitted into parts – each part of origional cisco log message became separate log message in Graylog, because the origional cisco log messages are multi-lined and got CR/LF delemiter for parts. But I would like to get the whole messages instead of parts.
Which could be the best solutions for handling multi-lined logs with Graylog. To have Logstash (or something else) before Graylog to merge multi-line logs? Or may be there is native technology in Graylog?
currently it is not possible to have a an input that waits for multi line messages to be complete - as in a clustered environment it is hard to predict that all messages are coming to the same server.
Graylog can only work with multiline messages if they are submitted as one message at all - so merge them on the sender is the way to go.