I’m using collector sidecar to collect logs. The log files I want to collect are in the following format and they are recorded by date. But they seem to be formatted in a different way (not .log fromat).
I tried to configure it in different ways, but it does not work.
FWIW, your pattern for the log files location (['/opt/SUNWwbsvr/https-IPortal/errors.*.']) doesn’t match the file names of the log files (which do not end in a dot).
Thanks jochen for your reply! I solved the problem using the following path [’/opt/SUNWwbsvr/https-IPortal/errors]. But now i have a new problem. On another server,I collected the log as shown
If i use path [’/data1/AppData/data/logs/PORTAL/ * / * '] All log files will be collected. But I just want to receive log portal20180129.out format. Log files are recorded by date.