Hello dear,
I am setting permissions in Graylog2.
However, i can give permission search
through Stream
When i press Play button in Dashboard and redirect it into http://IP:PORT/search?rangetype=relative..........
after that, i got Page not found
Is it possible to set a user can do search for exact path ?
For example, user Writer can do search /var/log/writer/access.log
and /var/log/nginx/access.log
I find Streams and Dashboard settings in permission settings.
Thank you
you need to seperate the information a user should be able to search at in a stream. You can not give permissions on specific content of fields.
Ahhh i had thought Streams for it.
Would you like to help me pls ?
How do i create multiple files as a stream source ?
Example, /var/log/test/blabla.log, /var/log/nginx/blabla.log, /var/log/nginx/error.log
Should i use &&
or AND
Look at this screenshot
hmm… or i should use Add rules ?
so, first rule /var/log/user/id.access.log
second rule /var/log/nginx/id.access.log
third rule /var/log/nginx/id.error.log in same stream
right ?
I would go the second route - make debugging and modification easier.
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