How to add IP address to Stream using lookup table

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**1. Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to check how can we add assets IP (Address) to Graylog Stream?

There are basically two of of adding IP address to a Stream

1. Stream Rule Based (Stream --> Manage Rule -->Add Stream Rule (field: gl2_remote_ip (enter_IP_which_you_want_to_add_to_stream))) --> Save
2. Lookup table based -- Can anyone share what is the method of adding IP address to a Stream using lookup table.



2. : We have 4 GL HA, 10 ES HA, & 3 Mongo in Replica Set

  • OS Information: RHEL 7

  • Package Version: Graylog 4.0.15

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Are you looking for the DNS lookup table? More info in docs here

Hello @aali94

Adding on, but I’m not sure what you want to do.
Here is a example.
Adding Stream rule with IP Address.


As for a lookup table I have used it on my Input/s. I haven’t use the DNS Lookup as @tmacgbay stated above.

Or you can use “source field” with FQDN

@tmacgbay :

I am looking to to setup DNS lookup table.

I have created the lookup table following the instructions, the link which you shared (Data Adaptor, Cache, Lookup table).

I think next step is

Cluster Global API → System/Lookup : Lookup tables → Show → GET

But I am not sure how this adaptor is getting mapped with Stream ID.


This method of adding IP address to Stream puts more load on the system, therefore Graylog recommends to follow Data Adaptor based addition.

Can you be more descriptive of what you want? How are you figuring out what IP to put into the message fields? Do you want to translate the source field to a separate source_IP field based on the DNS table?


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