Grok Pattern Question

I have the follwing GROK parser in my pipeline to match the line “123 some info text”:

let parsed_data = grok(pattern: “^(?<seq_num>\d{3})\s+(?%{DATA})$”, value: to_string(parsed_fields.in_data), only_named_captures: true);

I’d like to save seq_num (which needs to be exactly 3 digits long) as an integer field, but I don’t know how to do this. I know that I cant do something like ^%{NUMBER:seq_num;int}%{SPACE}%{DATA:info}$, but I’m not sure how I can apply this to my line because this would also (incorrectly) match “22 some info text”.

Maybe create grok pattern like SEQNUM \d{3} in graylog System - Grok patterns and use it in grok function like %{SEQNUM:int} instead if your regex pattern <seq_num>\d{3}

Hi shoothub,

thanks for to suggestion. I thought about that, but what I finally did was to convert the field afterwards and before putting it to the stream:

let parsed_data = grok(pattern: “^(?<seq_num>\d{3})\s+(?%{DATA})$”, value: to_string(parsed_fields.in_data), only_named_captures: true);
set_field(“sequence_number”, to_long(parsed_data.seq_num));

But I’m considering your solution as it is more flexible when converting the whole map to fields (set_fields()).

Thank you!

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