Graylog-server Failed

My graylog server was enabled in http but when I configured in https it enabled for 1s and disabled after. I see in my logs and I see that I am told to increase the message_log_max. I did this but it is still disabled.
Thx for your help!

dpkg -l | grep -E β€œ.(elasticsearch|graylog|mongo|java).”

ii  ca-certificates-java                  20190909                                all          Common CA certificates (JKS keystore)
ii  elasticsearch-oss                     7.10.2                                  amd64        Distributed RESTful search engine built for the cloud
ii  graylog-4.3-repository                1-6                                     all          Package to install Graylog 4.3 GPG key and repository
ii  graylog-server                        4.3.8-1                                 all          Graylog server
ii  graylog-sidecar                       1.2.0-1                                 amd64        Graylog collector sidecar
ii  graylog-sidecar-repository            1-2                                     all          Package to install Graylog Sidecar GPG key and repository
ii  java-common                           0.72build2                              all          Base package for Java runtimes
ii  mongodb-database-tools                100.6.0                                 amd64        mongodb-database-tools package provides tools for working with the MongoDB server:
ii  mongodb-mongosh                       1.6.0                                   amd64        MongoDB Shell CLI REPL Package
ii  mongodb-org                           6.0.2                                   amd64        MongoDB open source document-oriented database system (metapackage)
ii  mongodb-org-database                  6.0.2                                   amd64        MongoDB open source document-oriented database system (metapackage)
ii  mongodb-org-database-tools-extra      6.0.2                                   amd64        Extra MongoDB database tools
ii  mongodb-org-mongos                    6.0.2                                   amd64        MongoDB sharded cluster query router
ii  mongodb-org-server                    6.0.2                                   amd64        MongoDB database server
ii  mongodb-org-shell                     6.0.2                                   amd64        MongoDB shell client
ii  mongodb-org-tools                     6.0.2 

This my server.conf:

is_leader = true
node_id_file = /etc/graylog/server/node-id
password_secret = WNJQ0jsf3lnqS2PVhECKi3vVUbHdjgDg93SfaF6vsMFfd5x1wsseSSOLaUCL9faQTSkoEmjiWQkO2Cgrrc2MzMpP1YzUd1DO
root_username = ad
root_password_sha2 = a757fb1f3d4bb65716a0725707dd28563e47472a2539c307185d7b759d611d68
root_timezone = Europe/Paris
bin_dir = /usr/share/graylog-server/bin
data_dir = /var/lib/graylog-server
plugin_dir = /usr/share/graylog-server/plugin
http_bind_address =graylog-server:9000
http_enable_tls = true
http_tls_cert_file = /etc/ssl/certs/graylog/cert.pem
http_tls_key_file = /etc/ssl/certs/graylog/pkcs8-encrypted.pem
http_tls_key_password = secret
elasticsearch_hosts =
rotation_strategy = count
elasticsearch_max_docs_per_index = 20000000
elasticsearch_max_number_of_indices = 20
retention_strategy = delete
elasticsearch_shards = 4
elasticsearch_replicas = 0
elasticsearch_index_prefix = graylog
allow_leading_wildcard_searches = false
allow_highlighting = false
elasticsearch_analyzer = standard
elasticsearch_index_optimization_timeout = 1h
output_batch_size = 500
output_flush_interval = 1
output_fault_count_threshold = 5
output_fault_penalty_seconds = 30
processbuffer_processors = 5
outputbuffer_processors = 3
processor_wait_strategy = blocking
ring_size = 65536
inputbuffer_ring_size = 65536
inputbuffer_processors = 2
inputbuffer_wait_strategy = blocking
message_journal_enabled = true
message_journal_dir = /var/lib/graylog-server/journal
message_journal_max_size = 100gb
lb_recognition_period_seconds = 3
mongodb_uri = mongodb://localhost:27017/graylog
mongodb_max_connections = 1000
mongodb_threads_allowed_to_block_multiplier = 5
http_connect_timeout = 10s
disable_native_system_stats_collector = true
proxied_requests_thread_pool_size = 32

● graylog-server.service - Graylog server
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/graylog-server.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: activating (auto-restart) (Result: exit-code) since Fri 2023-01-27 15:56:01 UTC; 8s ago
    Process: 134980 ExecStart=/usr/share/graylog-server/bin/graylog-server (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
   Main PID: 134980 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
        CPU: 3.288s

janv. 27 15:56:01 srvlog systemd[1]: graylog-server.service: Consumed 3.288s CPU time.

This my elastisearch.yml:

root@srvlog:/etc/ssl/certs/graylog# cat /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml    | egrep -v "^\s*(#|$)" /var/lib/elasticsearch
path.logs: /var/log/elasticsearch
http.port: 9200 graylog
action.auto_create_index: false
discovery.type: single-node

● elasticsearch.service - Elasticsearch
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Fri 2023-01-27 09:32:25 UTC; 6h ago
   Main PID: 98272 (java)
      Tasks: 52 (limit: 4575)
     Memory: 1.3G
        CPU: 3min 57.602s
     CGroup: /system.slice/elasticsearch.service
             └─98272 /usr/share/elasticsearch/jdk/bin/java -Xshare:auto -Des.networkaddress.cache.ttl=60 -Des.networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl=10 -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch -Xss1m -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dfile.e>

janv. 27 09:32:09 srvlog systemd[1]: Starting Elasticsearch...
janv. 27 09:32:25 srvlog systemd[1]: Started Elasticsearch.

● mongod.service - MongoDB Database Server
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/mongod.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Thu 2022-11-03 15:24:09 UTC; 2 months 24 days ago
   Main PID: 36618 (mongod)
     Memory: 181.6M
        CPU: 3h 14min 52.287s
     CGroup: /system.slice/mongod.service
             └─36618 /usr/bin/mongod --config /etc/mongod.conf

nov. 03 15:24:09 srvlog systemd[1]: Started MongoDB Database Server.

Hello @Kamsy

What does Graylog log show about this issue? And can you show them here? I dont understand what message_log_max has to do with HTTPS, doesnt make sense.

Should be located here.


I’m taking a guess, you need to install the correct Certificate in your keystore and/or Graylog needs access to them.

Add the following in the graylog config file.

http_bind_address = graylog-server:9000
http_publish_uri = https://graylog-server:9000/

rest looks good.
Last idea is the certificate made correctly,

Hello @gsmith
I add the following in the graylog config file:

http_bind_address = graylog-server:9000
http_publish_uri = https://graylog-server:9000/

But my graylog server is not enable if i restart.
This my log in /var/log/graylog-server/server.log:

2023-01-30T11:32:12.383Z INFO  [cluster] Cluster created with settings {hosts=[localhost:27017], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms', maxWaitQueueSize=5000}
2023-01-30T11:32:12.407Z INFO  [cluster] Cluster description not yet available. Waiting for 30000 ms before timing out
2023-01-30T11:32:12.433Z INFO  [connection] Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:1, serverValue:82}] to localhost:27017
2023-01-30T11:32:12.436Z INFO  [cluster] Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description ServerDescription{address=localhost:27017, type=STANDALONE, state=CONNECTED, ok=true, version=ServerVersion{versionList=[6, 0, 2]}, minWireVersion=0, maxWireVersion=17, maxDocumentSize=16777216, logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=30, roundTripTimeNanos=1906079}
2023-01-30T11:32:12.444Z INFO  [connection] Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:2, serverValue:83}] to localhost:27017
2023-01-30T11:32:12.462Z INFO  [connection] Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:2, serverValue:83}] to localhost:27017 because the pool has been closed.
2023-01-30T11:32:12.464Z INFO  [MongoDBPreflightCheck] Connected to MongoDB version 6.0.2
2023-01-30T11:32:12.546Z INFO  [SearchDbPreflightCheck] Connected to (Elastic/Open)Search version <Elasticsearch:7.10.2>
2023-01-30T11:32:12.548Z ERROR [PreflightCheckService] Preflight check failed with error: Journal directory </var/lib/graylog-server/journal> has not enough free space (1702 MB) available. You need to provide additional 3337 MB to contain 'message_journal_max_size = 5120 MB'
2023-01-30T11:32:23.675Z INFO  [ImmutableFeatureFlagsCollector] Following feature flags are used: {}
2023-01-30T11:32:24.259Z INFO  [CmdLineTool] Loaded plugin: AWS plugins 4.3.8 []
2023-01-30T11:32:24.261Z INFO  [CmdLineTool] Loaded plugin: Collector 4.3.8 [org.graylog.plugins.collector.CollectorPlugin]
2023-01-30T11:32:24.263Z INFO  [CmdLineTool] Loaded plugin: Threat Intelligence Plugin 4.3.8 [org.graylog.plugins.threatintel.ThreatIntelPlugin]
2023-01-30T11:32:24.263Z INFO  [CmdLineTool] Loaded plugin: Elasticsearch 6 Support 4.3.8+8c4705e []
2023-01-30T11:32:24.264Z INFO  [CmdLineTool] Loaded plugin: Elasticsearch 7 Support 4.3.8+8c4705e []
2023-01-30T11:32:24.286Z INFO  [CmdLineTool] Running with JVM arguments: -Xms1g -Xmx1g -XX:NewRatio=1 -XX:+ResizeTLAB -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow -Djdk.tls.acknowledgeCloseNotify=true -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSConcurrentMTEnabled -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -Dlog4j.configurationFile=file:///etc/graylog/server/log4j2.xml -Djava.library.path=/usr/share/graylog-server/lib/sigar -Dgraylog2.installation_source=deb
2023-01-30T11:32:24.532Z INFO  [cluster] Cluster created with settings {hosts=[localhost:27017], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms', maxWaitQueueSize=5000}
2023-01-30T11:32:24.576Z INFO  [cluster] Cluster description not yet available. Waiting for 30000 ms before timing out
2023-01-30T11:32:24.600Z INFO  [connection] Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:1, serverValue:84}] to localhost:27017
2023-01-30T11:32:24.605Z INFO  [cluster] Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description ServerDescription{address=localhost:27017, type=STANDALONE, state=CONNECTED, ok=true, version=ServerVersion{versionList=[6, 0, 2]}, minWireVersion=0, maxWireVersion=17, maxDocumentSize=16777216, logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=30, roundTripTimeNanos=3309033}
2023-01-30T11:32:24.618Z INFO  [connection] Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:2, serverValue:85}] to localhost:27017
2023-01-30T11:32:24.638Z INFO  [connection] Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:2, serverValue:85}] to localhost:27017 because the pool has been closed.
2023-01-30T11:32:24.640Z INFO  [MongoDBPreflightCheck] Connected to MongoDB version 6.0.2
2023-01-30T11:32:24.768Z INFO  [SearchDbPreflightCheck] Connected to (Elastic/Open)Search version <Elasticsearch:7.10.2>
2023-01-30T11:32:24.771Z ERROR [PreflightCheckService] Preflight check failed with error: Journal directory </var/lib/graylog-server/journal> has not enough free space (1702 MB) available. You need to provide additional 3337 MB to contain 'message_journal_max_size = 5120 MB'

Thanks !

Hey @Kamsy
Your logs tell you whats going on right here.

PreflightCheckService] Preflight check failed with error: Journal directory </var/lib/graylog-server/journal> has not enough free space (1702 MB) available. You need to provide additional 3337 MB to contain β€˜message_journal_max_size = 5120 MB’

You journal is full. You have two option I know of.

  1. Add more space for your journal, by re-configuraing Graylog’s config file.
  • message_journal_max_size = 5gb
  1. Delete everything inside the jouranal, remind you that you will lose data.

Hello @gsmith,
I have added more space for my journal, but i have same mistake.
I have added 25gb.
This my logs after modification

2023-01-31T09:01:29.714Z INFO  [CmdLineTool] Running with JVM arguments: -Xms1g -Xmx1g -XX:NewRatio=1 -XX:+ResizeTLAB -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow -Djdk.tls.acknowledgeCloseNotify=true -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSConcurrentMTEnabled -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -Dlog4j.configurationFile=file:///etc/graylog/server/log4j2.xml -Djava.library.path=/usr/share/graylog-server/lib/sigar -Dgraylog2.installation_source=deb
2023-01-31T09:01:29.967Z INFO  [cluster] Cluster created with settings {hosts=[localhost:27017], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms', maxWaitQueueSize=5000}
2023-01-31T09:01:30.002Z INFO  [cluster] Cluster description not yet available. Waiting for 30000 ms before timing out
2023-01-31T09:01:30.036Z INFO  [connection] Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:1, serverValue:546}] to localhost:27017
2023-01-31T09:01:30.040Z INFO  [cluster] Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description ServerDescription{address=localhost:27017, type=STANDALONE, state=CONNECTED, ok=true, version=ServerVersion{versionList=[6, 0, 2]}, minWireVersion=0, maxWireVersion=17, maxDocumentSize=16777216, logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=30, roundTripTimeNanos=3181282}
2023-01-31T09:01:30.053Z INFO  [connection] Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:2, serverValue:547}] to localhost:27017
2023-01-31T09:01:30.076Z INFO  [connection] Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:2, serverValue:547}] to localhost:27017 because the pool has been closed.
2023-01-31T09:01:30.078Z INFO  [MongoDBPreflightCheck] Connected to MongoDB version 6.0.2
2023-01-31T09:01:30.179Z INFO  [SearchDbPreflightCheck] Connected to (Elastic/Open)Search version <Elasticsearch:7.10.2>
2023-01-31T09:01:30.181Z ERROR [PreflightCheckService] Preflight check failed with error: Journal directory </var/lib/graylog-server/journal> has not enough free space (1698 MB) available. You need to provide additional 23820 MB to contain 'message_journal_max_size = 25600 MB'
2023-01-31T09:01:41.426Z INFO  [ImmutableFeatureFlagsCollector] Following feature flags are used: {}
2023-01-31T09:01:41.909Z INFO  [CmdLineTool] Loaded plugin: AWS plugins 4.3.8 []
2023-01-31T09:01:41.910Z INFO  [CmdLineTool] Loaded plugin: Collector 4.3.8 [org.graylog.plugins.collector.CollectorPlugin]
2023-01-31T09:01:41.911Z INFO  [CmdLineTool] Loaded plugin: Threat Intelligence Plugin 4.3.8 [org.graylog.plugins.threatintel.ThreatIntelPlugin]
2023-01-31T09:01:41.911Z INFO  [CmdLineTool] Loaded plugin: Elasticsearch 6 Support 4.3.8+8c4705e []
2023-01-31T09:01:41.912Z INFO  [CmdLineTool] Loaded plugin: Elasticsearch 7 Support 4.3.8+8c4705e []
2023-01-31T09:01:41.924Z INFO  [CmdLineTool] Running with JVM arguments: -Xms1g -Xmx1g -XX:NewRatio=1 -XX:+ResizeTLAB -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow -Djdk.tls.acknowledgeCloseNotify=true -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSConcurrentMTEnabled -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -Dlog4j.configurationFile=file:///etc/graylog/server/log4j2.xml -Djava.library.path=/usr/share/graylog-server/lib/sigar -Dgraylog2.installation_source=deb
2023-01-31T09:01:42.120Z INFO  [cluster] Cluster created with settings {hosts=[localhost:27017], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms', maxWaitQueueSize=5000}
2023-01-31T09:01:42.155Z INFO  [cluster] Cluster description not yet available. Waiting for 30000 ms before timing out
2023-01-31T09:01:42.178Z INFO  [connection] Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:1, serverValue:548}] to localhost:27017
2023-01-31T09:01:42.181Z INFO  [cluster] Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description ServerDescription{address=localhost:27017, type=STANDALONE, state=CONNECTED, ok=true, version=ServerVersion{versionList=[6, 0, 2]}, minWireVersion=0, maxWireVersion=17, maxDocumentSize=16777216, logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=30, roundTripTimeNanos=1901413}
2023-01-31T09:01:42.189Z INFO  [connection] Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:2, serverValue:549}] to localhost:27017
2023-01-31T09:01:42.206Z INFO  [connection] Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:2, serverValue:549}] to localhost:27017 because the pool has been closed.
2023-01-31T09:01:42.208Z INFO  [MongoDBPreflightCheck] Connected to MongoDB version 6.0.2
2023-01-31T09:01:42.297Z INFO  [SearchDbPreflightCheck] Connected to (Elastic/Open)Search version <Elasticsearch:7.10.2>
2023-01-31T09:01:42.299Z ERROR [PreflightCheckService] Preflight check failed with error: Journal directory </var/lib/graylog-server/journal> has not enough free space (1698 MB) available. You need to provide additional 23820 MB to contain 'message_journal_max_size = 25600 MB'

In my test environnement, i use 22.04.1 Ubuntu on VM, 4GB RAM and 30GB of SSD. Is it enough to centralize AD logs?
Thanks for your help !

you can check by excuting this

root# df -hT

That will check how much space you have, but to be honest probably not, your just going to run into issue later one depeneding how long you keep logs + OS stuff.

keep an eye on the size of the Path/data file of elastic.
To watch it grow run

du -hs /var/lib/elasticsearch

probably you need a better storage concept

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I have this storage in /var/lib/elasticsearch:

3,0G    /var/lib/elasticsearch/

How to increase the storage in elasticseach?

To increase storage you need another hard disk.
After add a new hard disk you have to mount the new disk
At first run


now you can see all disks

format hard disk and create partitions

sudo fdisk /dev/sdd

first command: g
second command: n
third command: w

sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdd1

this command format the partition
now set the mount point

 sudo mount /dev/sdd1 /<what ever you want>

move the data to the new disk

sudo mv /var/lib/postgresql/* /mnt/

Take the UUID from your disk and post it to the fstab

sudo blkid
sudo nano /etc/fstab

Now you habe to chnage the yml file of Elastic /new/mount/point

would also recommend to increase the heap space
for Elastic

sudo nano /etc/elasticsearch/jvm.options

# Xms represents the initial size of total heap space
# Xmx represents the maximum size of total heap space

for Graylog

sudo nano /etc/default/graylog-server
GRAYLOG_SERVER_JAVA_OPTS="-Xms3g -Xmx3g -server -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow"


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Thanks for your help !

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