this is not possible I’m afraid. Graylog heavily uses UTC internally, so I guess there won’t be any luck for that. But better wait for a more qualified response from the Graylog team itself
Have you looked into changing the internal timezone?
Our system is on a Linux VM, by changing ‘root_timezone = Europe/London’ in the graylog.conf file.
You can check the timezone that: your user is on, your browser is on and your server is on. This information can be found in the system/overview page on the web interface.
this is actually the timezone for the admin/root user and his display of for example timestamps only. The underlying Graylog System does not rely on that afaik
No this is not a response, I am asking about the possibility to change internal graylog time from UTC to GMT+2.
But it seems that it is not possible… is there a plan to modify it and have elasticsearch indexed with correct timezone ? Wen need to manipulate elastic search indexes and have time rotation from graylog @ midnight GMT+2 and not UTC.
Same problem. I have tried to rotate manually an index configured with hour rotation, but there is rotation each hour, even the manual rotate is younger than 1 hour
it’s only an idea, but, as @jochen said, you can use manual rotation with cronjob and set index rotation by size with high size value. I think doing this GL will never “auto-rotate” index if your cronjob rotate it first.
Am i wrong?