Graylog on centos7

sudo graylog-collector-sidecar -service install


graylog-collector-sidecar: commande introuvable on cento7 :tired_face::tired_face: how can i fix it

there you downloaded the files, but did no install. You need to use rpm or yum (both with parameter; Google will help) to install the package. After the installation you can use the command

“commande introucable” == “command not found”, i guess?

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Hi Lyro, Thanks for your feedback…
but It’s urgent if you feel sorry I urgently need your help please. I can not have the Firwall logs and the switch

I guess you are not willing to read what other wrote to you.

What does this posting tell you?

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yum install won´t work. You shall not search for any mirrors. You already downloaded the rpm. Try localinstall instead…

And please translate the error-messages for us. I didn´t speak/read france for a few years

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No package collector-sidecar-0.1.8-1.86-64.rpm available

thats why you should try localinstall instead of install. The mirrors won´t know the package :sweat_smile:

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excuse me I did not understand well :tired_face: localinstall centos7

If you don´t understand something, just say it :slight_smile:
It has nothing to do with centos, but with yum.
localinstall is a parameter for yum. You can take a look on all parameters with:

man yum

If you still don´t know how to use it, try to google.


hi, error failure of the opening on Graylog 2.5

Thanks for your help @Lyro :smiley: now I can collect firewall logs through Graylog 2.5 , it is my first time with graylog :smile:

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