Graylog Integretion with External System


Is there a way to configure graylog to send logs in JSON formats to external APIs?

I have come across this but as I am new to Graylog I find some difficulty in implementing this…

Appreciate your answer…


Can you clarify if you are asking if graylog and send log messages in realtime, as they are received, to an output in json format, OR are you asking about graylog event notifications?

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Thanks for your reply!

No not notifications… I am asking as you just exactly said about graylog capability to push log messages in realtime, as they are received, to an output in json format… The output is a webhook…


Graylog does have a GELF output:


Hello drew!

but I think this is a format GL nodes can only understand, don’t they? could you please clarify what is mentioned in the output framework


See here for the GELF specification: GELF via UDP

Its mostly just json though so any system that can understand and receive json via UDP should be able to accept it. Unfortunately graylog does not have anyway of POSTING json or messages in real time.

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