Daer all,
We have a few inquiries and need you to confirm regarding Graylog as following questions.
- Now we are using Graylog virtual appliance (OVA). we would like to know how long can keep the file ? and Where is the path for keep file ? and We can select path for keep file ?
- As we find more information, please confirm that the virtual appliance version is not suited to use as a production because it is unsecured? Why ?
- We would like to know difference between virtual appliance (OVA) and RPM package (Ubuntu). because now, we are using Graylog virtual appliance (OVA) and we would like to change use RPM package ?
- We find more information by the link below
Planning Your Log Collection — Graylog 4.0.0 documentation
Topic “Retention”
For “Most Graylog customers retain 30-90 days online (searchable in Elasticsearch) and 6-13 months of archives” What does it mean?
Anyway if you need more information from us, please kindly let us know.
Thank you for your kind support.