Graylog Grok is not extracting data to a new field

Hi Community, Im new to graylog, Im having a challange to extract the following using the grok pattern, Im trying to extract the component to a new field.
sample Data :
206 14507.0 /lightning/cmp/vlocity_cmt__vlocityLWCOmniWrap… 2024-08-14T12:15:47.096Z c:dfacPQCreateOrderEnglish
207 5352.0 /lightning/cmp/vlocity_cmt__vlocityLWCOmniWrap… 2024-08-14T12:16:00.937Z c:dfacPQCreateOrderEnglish
227 7018.0 /lightning/cmp/vlocity_cmt__vlocityLWCOmniWrap… 2024-08-14T12:28:07.179Z c:dfacPQCreateOrderEnglish

It looks good on Grok Debugger but on Graylog im getting this error :
Errors: Unknown function message in line 9 pos 29 mismatched input ‘’ expecting {‘)’, ‘[’, ‘,’, ‘.’, ‘+’, ‘-’, ‘‘, ‘/’, ‘%’, ‘<=’, ‘>=’, ‘>’, ‘<’, ‘==’, ‘!=’, And, Or} Missing required parameter value of type String in call to function grok in line 7 pos 34 extraneous input ‘%’ expecting {’(‘, ‘[’, ‘{’, ‘+’, ‘-’, Not, ‘$message’, Boolean, Integer, Float, Char, String, Identifier} token recognition error at: ‘"%{GREEDYDATA}\s’ Undeclared variable COMPONENT in line 8 pos 41 mismatched input ‘“,\n value: to_string($message.”’ expecting {’)', ‘[’, ‘,’, ‘.’, ‘+’, ‘-’, '’, ‘/’, ‘%’, ‘<=’, ‘>=’, ‘>’, ‘<’, ‘==’, ‘!=’, And, Or} token recognition error at: ‘")\n);\nset_fields(\n fields: gl2_fragment_grok_results\n);\nend’ Expected type String for argument pattern but found Map in call to function grok in line 7 pos 34

Can you share your pipeline function? Just wondering what is on line 7 versus line 9, since we are getting error message for both.

For the Above its responding to the sample data not the pipeline coz its not added yet on the pipeline.
The sample Data is shared above, I had to remove the index to remove the numbering system that it was extracting when i tried running %{NUMBER:DURATION}, its now giving the Duration. Something i noticed it seems like Graylog is not liking the spacing " \s+" gives me an error when its included. Can anyone take the above as sample data and try running this grok pattern, %{GREEDYDATA}\s+%{GREEDYDATA:COMPONENT}


in Graylog pipeline rules you have to escape the \s+ with an additional \