Graylog docker unhealthy container

Graylog container is showing unhealthy on Ubuntu 14.04, although it’s working fine.

Not much to go on… it would be helpful if you were to post what problem you see… using the formatting tools.


sorry that you have issues - but you have NO information given that would help us.

What Graylog Version are you running? What exact container are you running?

There is no issue with the functionality of Graylog. Just curious why it’s showing unhealty while running docker ps.
Graylog docker image: graylog/graylog:3.1.3
Docker version: 17.05.0-ce

Not sure if this cloud be the reason. Getting below error docker logs.

failed to parse date field [2019-12-02 18:08:58.031] with format [strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis]failed to parse date field [2019-12-02 18:08:58.031] with format [date_time].

Graylog searching is working fine.


what exact container did you run? we have released the 3.1.3 container with some bug fixes multiple times … so what exact version did you use?

The error you refer means that the date is in a wrong format.

i have this “problem” too, running official 3.1.3-2, although it happened on -1 too, it says unhealthy almost permanently, inspecting health parameters of a container it says:

  "Status": "unhealthy",
  "FailingStreak": 40,
  "Log": [
      "Start": "2019-12-04T13:43:58.106894885+01:00",
      "End": "2019-12-04T13:44:00.107132128+01:00",
      "ExitCode": -1,
      "Output": "Health check exceeded timeout (2s)"
      "Start": "2019-12-04T13:44:10.506751612+01:00",
      "End": "2019-12-04T13:44:12.506986297+01:00",
      "ExitCode": -1,
      "Output": "Health check exceeded timeout (2s)"
      "Start": "2019-12-04T13:44:22.682530787+01:00",
      "End": "2019-12-04T13:44:24.682706789+01:00",
      "ExitCode": -1,
      "Output": "Health check exceeded timeout (2s)"
      "Start": "2019-12-04T13:44:34.964516998+01:00",
      "End": "2019-12-04T13:44:36.96472637+01:00",
      "ExitCode": -1,
      "Output": "Health check exceeded timeout (2s)"
      "Start": "2019-12-04T13:44:48.230831133+01:00",
      "End": "2019-12-04T13:44:50.231199463+01:00",
      "ExitCode": -1,
      "Output": "Health check exceeded timeout (2s)"

when running docker exec graylog_server_1 / it indeed takes longer then 2s, but when running from inside container via bash shell it runs in half a second;-) anyway everything works without any problems, just permanently unhealthy status seems kinda annoying:)

EDIT: increasing health check timeout in docker-compose.yml does the job

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