Graylog Cluster

I am going to upgrade the Single Graylog server to a Graylog cluster as shown in below image.

I has referred Graylog manuals and other stuff found in the internet regarding setup a Graylog cluster.

For further clarification, please guide me how to configure IP on each server, configure the HAproxy, Graylog server, Elasticsearch and Graylog Web URL as per below setup image.

at least for HA you need 3 nodes for elasticsearch . also you need 3 nodes mongodb with replicaset (prim, sec, arbitr) . For balancer i recommend to use nginx which can balance also udp (you can use it to balance gelf )


Why do you recommend NGINX. I used to configure 2 Graylog servers using HA, not elastic search ?

Please refer to for a description how to run a Graylog cluster.


I have referred document several times. But my question is to configure HA to pass source log files to Graylog Server and how do I configure the Graylog Server web GUI to access Graylog Server ?