Graylog Cluster behind HAproxy on HTTPS


Currently, we are running single node Graylog that is running using the Self-signed certificate. We are planning to add one more graylog node and these node’s are going to sit behind HAProxy. I am trying with the following configuration, but didnt get this running.

frontend graylog_https
  bind *:443
  mode tcp
  default_backend graylog_server_cluster

backend graylog_server_cluster
  mode tcp
  balance roundrobin
  option httpchk HEAD /api/system/lbstatus
  http-request set-header X-Graylog-Server-URL
  server g1
  server g2

with this configuration. I am able to see only the first node and complete cluster is not forming.

I started doubting whether HTTPS is possbile with graylog clusters ? If possible, Can someone point me what mistake I am making here. Thanks

See for a working configuration of HAProxy with Graylog 2.4.x.

If you still have problems after reading the documentation, please provide the full configuration of both Graylog nodes and HAProxy.

Hi Jo,

I did follow the document in the link and I couldn’t make it work.


frontend graylog_https
    bind *:443
    option forwardfor
    http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Host %[req.hdr(host)]
    http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Server %[req.hdr(host)]
    http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Port %[dst_port]
    acl is_graylog hdr_dom(host) -i -m str
    use_backend     graylog

backend graylog
    description     The Graylog Web backend.
    balance roundrobin
    option httpchk HEAD /api/system/lbstatus
    http-request set-header X-Graylog-Server-URL
    server graylog1 maxconn 20 check
    server graylog2 maxconn 20 check


is_master = true
node_id_file = /etc/graylog/server/node-id
password_secret = [redacted]
root_password_sha2 = [redacted]
plugin_dir = /usr/share/graylog-server/plugin
rest_listen_uri =
rest_enable_tls = true
rest_tls_cert_file = /graylog/ssl-keys/Test-Certificate.pem
rest_tls_key_file = /graylog/ssl-keys/Test-PriKey.pem
web_listen_uri =
web_enable_tls = true
web_tls_cert_file = /graylog/ssl-keys/Test-Certificate.pem
web_tls_key_file = /graylog/ssl-keys/Test-PriKey.pem
elasticsearch_hosts =,
rotation_strategy = count
elasticsearch_max_docs_per_index = 20000000
elasticsearch_max_number_of_indices = 20
retention_strategy = delete
elasticsearch_shards = 4
elasticsearch_replicas = 0
elasticsearch_index_prefix = graylog
allow_leading_wildcard_searches = false
elasticsearch_analyzer = standard
output_batch_size = 500
output_flush_interval = 1
output_fault_count_threshold = 5
output_fault_penalty_seconds = 30
processbuffer_processors = 64
outputbuffer_processors = 64
processor_wait_strategy = blocking
ring_size = 131072
inputbuffer_ring_size = 131072
inputbuffer_processors = 2
inputbuffer_wait_strategy = blocking
message_journal_enabled = true
message_journal_dir = /var/lib/graylog-server/journal
message_journal_max_size = 10gb
lb_recognition_period_seconds = 3
mongodb_uri = mongodb://,
mongodb_max_connections = 1000
mongodb_threads_allowed_to_block_multiplier = 5
transport_email_enabled = true
transport_email_hostname =
transport_email_port = 25
transport_email_use_auth = false
transport_email_use_tls = false
transport_email_use_ssl = false
transport_email_subject_prefix = [graylog-alerts]
transport_email_from_email =
transport_email_web_interface_url =
content_packs_dir = /usr/share/graylog-server/contentpacks
content_packs_auto_load = grok-patterns.json
proxied_requests_thread_pool_size = 32
allow_highlighting = true


is_master = false
node_id_file = /etc/graylog/server/node-id
password_secret = [redacted]
root_password_sha2 = [redacted]
plugin_dir = /usr/share/graylog-server/plugin
rest_listen_uri =
rest_enable_tls = true
rest_tls_cert_file = /graylog/ssl-keys/Test-Certificate.pem
rest_tls_key_file = /graylog/ssl-keys/Test-PriKey.pem
web_listen_uri =
web_enable_tls = true
web_tls_cert_file = /graylog/ssl-keys/Test-Certificate.pem
web_tls_key_file = /graylog/ssl-keys/Test-PriKey.pem
elasticsearch_hosts =,
rotation_strategy = count
elasticsearch_max_docs_per_index = 20000000
elasticsearch_max_number_of_indices = 20
retention_strategy = delete
elasticsearch_shards = 4
elasticsearch_replicas = 0
elasticsearch_index_prefix = graylog
allow_leading_wildcard_searches = false
elasticsearch_analyzer = standard
output_batch_size = 500
output_flush_interval = 1
output_fault_count_threshold = 5
output_fault_penalty_seconds = 30
processbuffer_processors = 64
outputbuffer_processors = 64
processor_wait_strategy = blocking
ring_size = 131072
inputbuffer_ring_size = 131072
inputbuffer_processors = 2
inputbuffer_wait_strategy = blocking
message_journal_enabled = true
message_journal_dir = /var/lib/graylog-server/journal
message_journal_max_size = 10gb
lb_recognition_period_seconds = 3
mongodb_uri = mongodb://,
mongodb_max_connections = 1000
mongodb_threads_allowed_to_block_multiplier = 5
transport_email_enabled = true
transport_email_hostname =
transport_email_port = 25
transport_email_use_auth = false
transport_email_use_tls = false
transport_email_use_ssl = false
transport_email_subject_prefix = [graylog-alerts]
transport_email_from_email =
transport_email_web_interface_url =
content_packs_dir = /usr/share/graylog-server/contentpacks
content_packs_auto_load = grok-patterns.json
proxied_requests_thread_pool_size = 32
allow_highlighting = true

When I try to access page is not opening. Can you help me what I am doing wrong. Thanks

Are the contents of the node ID file unique to each Graylog node?

Have you created a MongoDB replica set or a sharded MongoDB cluster?

And last but not least: Since you’re doing HTTPS termination in HAProxy, you don’t necessarily need to set up HTTPS in Graylog itself.

If you’re using self-signed certificates, make sure to read

Hi Joe,
Thanks for the suggestion. And I am now terminating SSL on HAProxy itself. But Periodically ( every 2 seconds) I am seeing the below issue in the nodes and I am not able to fully form the cluster.

I am running HAPRoxy on the same host on which I am running graylog master node. Will it make some impact on the API connections?? Can you please suggest ? Thanks

Please answer all of the questions.

Also please post the complete logs of your Graylog nodes.

If the configuration is still as shown in the above configuration for Graylog Node 1 and 2 you have a mixed HTTP/HTTPS Settings in your configuration what is not working and not supported.

You should re-read and

In addition the settings that you are currently use should be posted here…

Thanks for your help Jan. I have found out that time is the culprit here. 2 modes are drifting apart 10 seconds and that was the cause.

After synching time now cluster is stable. Thanks for your assistance on this issue. much appericiated.

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