I am currently trying to build a Graylog server. This looks like the following:
The graylog server does http and works like that without problems. As soon as I let a Nginx-proxy-manager do the HTTPS encryption in front of it, it doesn’t work anymore. So that means it runs and also accepts logs and so. But it can not retrieve any information about the API (see pictures). I have already added the public key to the JKS and also the Docker container has it in its CA store. A CURL goes through without problems, only the Graylog is stubborn^^. I hope someone can help me with this. Thanks a lot in advance.
Thanks for the quick reply. I use Nginx proxy manager. This is configured via nen web gui. I can only say that I just forward any traffic to port 9000 (This port is listening to the Graylog REST API and also the webinterface). I am currently using Graylog version 2.5.1.
Unfortunately I have to use this version because it can’t be updated yet. If I have understood the header correctly, this is not relevant for me. The reverse proxy is only used for encryption and port mapping. The server itself also has the DNS entry and is also reachable.
I’m afraid that Graylog doesn’t read the JKS and therefore doesn’t know the certificate. However, I have included and added this when building my Docker Conatiners. Furthermore also in the container the Env: “GRAYLOG_SERVER_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms1g -Xmx1g -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/usr/share/graylog/cacerts.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=****” is set.
So, I have now switched to Nginx. For this I have also set the header entry as you said. The problem now is that I get a 404 when logging in: “Error - the server returned: 404 - cannot POST https://*****/system/sessions (404)”. I have already read the threads about this in the forum and it just all brings nothing. I don’t know what to do. If you have an idea I am open for everything ^^.
This seem OK, so problem would be probably in graylog server config. I can’t help much, because I don’t use such old version, and the parameters changed a lot.