When these event come in are they all together or to they arrived every 2 minutes?
As written in my post: The events arrive in a small timeframe - mostly within one second
What version of Graylog are you using?
4.1.5 community
Can you show you full configuration of your alert Definition?
Which part of the config is missing? Filter is working on Stream “All messages”. Search query is: (cat:GPOMgmtReports OR cat:ADVGPOReports) AND NOT cs4:“Computer Version (Sysvol)”
What have you done/tried to resolve this issue ?
I tried to increase the timeframe, but as is seems to be ignored, nothing changed
Let me sum this up so I can get a better idea what’s going on.
You are receiving logs from your remote devices in a small time frame, correct?
Filter configuration is set to Search within the last 2 minutes & Execute search every 2 Minutes and the search query configuration/s is working fine? Does it look like this?
The Grace Period is set to 0 with a back log of 50?, If so, that a lot of backlogs.
You receive one email notification with one back log?
You want one email with 50 backlogs?
If this is all correct I would try the following to see if that helps. First I would match my notification grace period with my search query.
Something like this.
Thank you for helping me!
I just found my mistake. I was not aware, that I need to set aggregation on the count to get the backlog. Now, everything is working fine!