I've noticed your post hasn't been responded to. Moving it to Daily Challenges for perhaps a helpful response. In the meantime, here's a previous article on your topic. Let me know if it helps.
Hi @braiam
Iâve tested your grok and didnât work for obvious reasons:
Your grok pattern %{BindViewName} is probably not defined, so graylog canât process extractor at all
Another problem is that you didnât enabled Named captures only in extractor definition. So %{DATA} in your grok is saved as generic field DATA, which is propably not desired.
If there is another problem with extractor, always check graylog server logs file. If graylog didnât process extractor for any reason, there should be error or warning in logs file: sudo tail -f /var/log/graylog-server/server.log
If it was not defined, Graylog would complain about it loudly on âTry against exampleâ with âWe were not able to run the grok extraction because of the following error: No definition for key âDdATAâ found, abortingâ for example. I changed it to plain âDATA:viewâ, no dice.
While named_captures_only is disabled, it shouldnât effect whenever it is matched or not, just that the field name would be something like âDATAâ.
So, a development: I created a extractor that simply copies message to another field, same âAlways try to extractâ, still not firing. I think Iâve hit a bug.
Iâve tried your grok and worked fine for me in versions 4.0.7 and 4.1.
a. I donât think that there is a bug in such essential feature as simple extractor.
b. Check if you didnât disabled Message Filter Chain by accident in System - Configurations in section Message Processors Configuration.
c. Whatâs your Message Processors Configuration order? Message Filter Chain is after or before Pipeline Processor
d. Do you use any pipeline rules, which should collide with extractor?
e. What type of input do you use? Syslog TCP or UDP or another one?
f. Do you have same problem with other extractors, or none of extractors works?