I have exported Azure Activity Logs to Blob Storage. I am using Logstash 8.7.1 version along with gelf output using docker-compose to ship these logs to Graylog using GelfUDP. For Input of Logstash, using azure_blob_storage plugin of Logstash.
However Logstash is unable to send these logs to Graylog.
input {
azure_blob_storage {
connection_string => "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=<BLOB_NAME>;AccountKey=<BLOB_ACCOUNT_KEY>;EndpointSuffix=core.usgovcloudapi.net"
container => "insights-activity-logs"
registry_create_policy => "start_over"
codec => "json"
addall => true
path_filters => ['**/*.json']
addfilename => true
prefix => "resourceId=/"
# Possible options: `do_not_break`, `with_head_tail`, `without_head_tail`
interval => 5
filter {
json {
source => "message"
mutate {
add_field => {"short_message" => ["This is short message"]}
add_field => { "host" => "" }
date {
match => ["unixtimestamp", "UNIX"]
output {
gelf {
host => ""
port => 12201
protocol => "UDP"
codec => "json"
I also checked with stdout output. it is showing all messages from blob. What can be the issue? Or how can I ship Azure Activity logs to Graylog?