I have a pipeline for our fortigates, which worked perfectly.
Now we have 2 new firewalls on FortiOS 6.4, and it changes the year to 2038.
Doing some research, it seems that FortiOS, from 6.2 and higher, uses nanoseconds in stead of seconds.
This article describes event time log stamp display in the event logs.
In 6.0.x ver and below versions event time view was in seconds.
In 6.2.x versions the display has been changed to Nano seconds.
What i use:
rule "Epoch Convert"
has_field("devname") && has_field("date") && has_field("time") && has_field("eventtime")
let epoch = parse_date("1970-01-01 00:00:00.000Z", "yyyy-MM-dd' 'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ");
let ts_seconds = seconds(to_long($message.eventtime));
set_field("epoch_timestamp", epoch + ts_seconds);
set_field("timestamp", epoch + ts_seconds);
But like i said, that doesnt work anymore.
So how do i go from nanoseconds to regular seconsd?