Filter logs Received

Gentlemen, what’s up?

Is there any way to filter the logs received in Graylog?

I’m asking because of my scenario, where I’m receiving logs from Vmware EXSI, and there are a lot of them every day… which quickly fills up the SRV Graylog disk…

Absolutly! If you have a pipeline rule wirh something in the when clause measage_type = something I dont care about, and in the then clause you have the function drop_mesaage, then those messages will be dropped and never be stored.

Is there a step-by-step document on how to do it?

Hey @badaroed

First setup you Pipeline.
The pipeline page you need name the pipeline, attach the stream and add the rule.

Example of pipeline rule

rule “Drop Syslog Messages”
   has_field("level") AND
   ( to_string($message.level) == “7” OR
     lowercase(to_string($message.level)) == "debug" )

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