I’m in the process of switching from Collector Sidecars (Legacy) to Sidecars and hitting an issue with the Linux sidecar client reporting:
graylog-sidecar: time="2021-03-29T11:14:52-04:00" level=error msg="[UpdateRegistration] Failed to report collector status to server: Put \"https://graylog.company.com/api/sidecars/5...nodeid...3\": EOF"
The client is checking in and connecting and I can see it under Sidecars Overview. It’s showing the stats and picking up config changes. But it appears to be failing intermittently. Defaults are being used for send_status, update_interval, etc…
Strangely I’m not seeing this issue on the Windows client with similar config.
With the default 10 second interval I’m seeing these random error times:
time=“2021-03-29T11:18:03-04:00” level=error…
time=“2021-03-29T11:18:43-04:00” level=error…
time=“2021-03-29T11:19:23-04:00” level=error…
time=“2021-03-29T11:20:33-04:00” level=error…
time=“2021-03-29T11:21:43-04:00” level=error…
time=“2021-03-29T11:22:33-04:00” level=error…
time=“2021-03-29T11:25:04-04:00” level=error…
time=“2021-03-29T11:25:44-04:00” level=error…
time=“2021-03-29T11:26:04-04:00” level=error…
time=“2021-03-29T11:27:34-04:00” level=error…
I’ve tried tweaking the sidecar.yml on the Linux client but that didn’t help.
The URL to the Graylog server API.
server_url: “https://graylog.company.com/api/”
#server_url: “https://graylog.company.com:443/api/”
#server_url: “https://graylog.company.com:443/”
#server_url: “https://graylog.company.com/”
Graylog 4.0.5 - 3 node cluster
Haproxy load balancing to Nginx.
Nginx proxying to local 9000 on the host
All Centos 7
Sidecar on Centos7
Sidecar on WIndows
Any ideas? Or if this is a known issue? I checked Github but didn’t find it.