I am trying to configure a new user that will have an api token to read the events queue.
I created a new user, assigned them a api token, but I cannot figure out which permissions they need to be able to read the events queue.
the following is the permission list:
“permissions” : [ “users:edit:icinga2_api”, “users:tokencreate:icinga2_api”, “users:passwordchange:icinga2_api”, “users:tokenremove:icinga2_api”, “users:tokenlist:icinga2_api”, “clusterconfigentry:read”, “indexercluster:read”, “messagecount:read”, “journal:read”, “messages:analyze”, “inputs:read”, “metrics:read”, “savedsearches:edit”, “fieldnames:read”, “buffers:read”, “system:read”, “savedsearches:create”, “jvmstats:read”, “decorators:read”, “throughput:read”, “savedsearches:read”, “messages:read”, “streams:read:000000000000000000000002”, “eventnotifications:edit”, “eventdefinitions:read”, “eventdefinitions:create”, “eventdefinitions:delete”, “eventdefinitions:execute”, “eventdefinitions:edit”, “eventnotifications:create”, “eventnotifications:delete”, “eventnotifications:read” ],
Stream 000000000000000000000002 is the “all events” stream
Graylog version: 3.3.8
the default built in Admin user can read the events queue just fine (via a create api token).
If I log into the graylog ui as the icinga2_api user, they can see and search the “all events” stream but if they go to the alerts page, they cannot find any of the alerts via the search (but any admin user can).
What permissions are needed for a user to be able to see the events on the alerts page, and therefore be able to query them via the api?